Eight stamps capture moments spanning four series of the classic British sitcom that first aired in 1983. A further four stamps depict Edmund Blackadder in his various guises over each of the four series of the classic sitcom
The stamps feature some of the show’s best-loved characters, played by familiar names including Tony Robinson, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Tim McInnerny, Miranda Richardson, Brian Blessed and the late Patsy Byrne
Blackadder the Third, episode 3 - Nob and Nobility
Blackadder the Third, episode 6 - Duel & Duality
Blackadder Goes Forth - episode 6 - Goodbyeee
Blackadder Goes Forth - episode 6 - Goodbyeee
The Black Adder - episode 2 - The Archbishop
The Black Adder - episode 3 - Born to be King
Blackadder II - episode 1 - Bells
Blackadder II - episode 4 - Money
Blackadder Goes Forth
Blackadder the Third