The Crimean War

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Collect GB Stamps Stamps without Rank at Atelier Works

150th Anniversary of the Crimean War

2004 (October 12 2004)

Designed by Atelier Works
Size 30mm (h) x 41mm (v)
Printed by Walsall Security Printers
Print Process Lithography
Perforations 14 x 14.5

The Crimean War , Vol.41 No.12 (Issue Details)


The Crimean War 2nd Stamp (2004) Pte. McNamara, 5th Dragoon Guards, Heavy Brigade Charge, Battle of Balaklava

Pte. McNamara, 5th Dragoon Guards, Heavy Brigade Charge, Battle of Balaklava

The Crimean War 1st Stamp (2004) Piper Muir, 42nd Regt of Foot, Amphibious Assault on Kerch

Piper Muir, 42nd Regt of Foot, Amphibious Assault on Kerch

The Crimean War 40p Stamp (2004) Sgt. Maj. Edwards, Scots Fusilier Guards, Gallant Action, Battle of Inkerman

Sgt. Maj. Edwards, Scots Fusilier Guards, Gallant Action, Battle of Inkerman

The Crimean War 57p Stamp (2004) Sgt. Powell, 1st Regt of Foot Guards, Battles of Alma and Inkerman

Sgt. Powell, 1st Regt of Foot Guards, Battles of Alma and Inkerman

The Crimean War 68p Stamp (2004) Sgt. Maj. Poole, Royal Sappers and Miners, Defensive Line, Battle of Inkerman

Sgt. Maj. Poole, Royal Sappers and Miners, Defensive Line, Battle of Inkerman

The Crimean War £1.12 Stamp (2004) Sgt. Glasgow, Royal Artillery, Gun Battery besieged Savastepol

Sgt. Glasgow, Royal Artillery, Gun Battery besieged Savastepol


Presentation Pack

Pack 364
The Crimean War (2004)

Reverse for The Crimean War

First Day Cover

The Crimean War (2004)

Reverse for 150th Anniversary of the Crimean War

Other First Day Cover

Produced By Cotswold Covers
The Crimean War (2004)


150th Anniversary of the Crimean War
RM Code RMMKG040A4
The Crimean War (2004)

A3 Poster

The Crimean War (2004)

PHQ Cards

Pack PHQ269

PHQ269 (a) PHQ269 (b) PHQ269 (c) PHQ269 (d) PHQ269 (e) PHQ269 (f)