Europa - Art in the 20th Century

1993 (May 11 1993)

Designed by Ashted Dastor, FCSD, FSTD
Size 37mm (h) x 35mm (v)
Printed by Harrison & Sons Ltd
Print Process Photogravure
Number per sheet 100
Perforations 14.5 x 14
Gum PVA Dextrin

Art in the 20th Century , Vol.30 No.8 (Issue Details)


Europa - Art in the 20th Century 24p Stamp (1993) 'Family Group' (bronze sculpture) (Henry Moore)

'Family Group' (bronze sculpture) (Henry Moore)

Europa - Art in the 20th Century 28p Stamp (1993) 'Kew Gardens' (lithograph) (Edward Bawden)

'Kew Gardens' (lithograph) (Edward Bawden)

Europa - Art in the 20th Century 33p Stamp (1993) 'St Francis and the Birds' (Stanley Spencer)

'St Francis and the Birds' (Stanley Spencer)

Europa - Art in the 20th Century 39p Stamp (1993) 'Still Life: Odyssey I' (Ben Nicholson)

'Still Life: Odyssey I' (Ben Nicholson)


Presentation Pack

Art in the 20th Century
Pack 237
RM Code AP113
Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)

Reverse for Art in the 20th Century

Presentation Pack Inner

Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)

First Day Cover

Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)


RM Code RMN 0693a
Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)
RM Code RMN 0693b
Image contributed by Brian Baker
Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)
RM Code RMN 0693g
Image contributed by Brian Baker


Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)
RM Code RMN 0693h
Image contributed by Brian Baker
Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)
RM Code RMN 0693m
Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)

A3 Poster

RM Code RMN 0693c
Europa - Art in the 20th Century (1993)

PHQ Cards

Pack PHQ152

PHQ152 (a) PHQ152 (b) PHQ152 (c) PHQ152 (d)
