The Royal Armouries’ origins lie in the Middle Ages, and at its core is the celebrated collection originating in the nations working arsenal, assembled over many centuries at the Tower of London.
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, selected items began to be arranged for display to visitors, making the Royal Armouries one of the oldest deliberately created visitor attractions in the country.
The collection consists of over 75,000 objects from around the globe and spans the ancient world to the present day.
It is displayed at three sites: the White Tower at the Tower of London, a purpose-built museum in Leeds (which includes the National Firearms Centre) and at Fort Nelson near Portsmouth.
Stamp |
Foot combat armour, 1520, King Henry VIII, 2nd |
Alexander armour, 1607–08, Prince Henry and King Charles I, 2nd |
Field and tournament armour, 1540, King Henry VIII, 1st |
Gilt armour, c.1612, Prince Henry and King Charles I, 1st |
Boy’s armour, c.1615, Kings Charles I and Charles II, £1.00 |
Horned helmet, 1511–14, King Henry VIII, £1.00 |
Harquebusier’s armour, 1686, King James II, £2.80 |
Tonlet armour, 1520, King Henry VIII, £2.80 |
c.1420: Sword and scabbard. Ming dynasty, 1st |
c.1738: Flintlock gun by Simpson of York, 1st |
c.1680: Japanese helmet, Edo period, 1st |
c.1365-1432: European sword, 1st |
First Day Cover |
Royal Armouries |
Royal Armouries |
Royal Armouries |
Miniature Sheet |
Royal Armouries |
Presentation Pack |
Royal Armouries, Pack 660 |
Royal Armouries |
PHQ Cards |
Royal Armouries |
Prestige Stamp Book |
Royal Armouries |