British stamps for 2009

2008 2010

  2009 First Day Cover Checklist   2009 Presentation Pack Checklist   2009 Stamp Checklist

Design Classics

2009 (January 13 2009)

Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) Supermarine Spitfire by R.J.Mitchell Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) Mini Skirt by Mary Quant Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) Mk 1 Austin Mini by Sir Alec Issigonis Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) Anglepoise Lamp by George Carwardine Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) Concorde by Aerospatiale-BAC
Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) K2 Telephone Kiosk by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) Polypropylene Chair by Robin Day Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) Penguin Books by Edward Young Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) London Underground Map by Harry Beck Design Classics 1st Stamp (2009) Routemaster Bus by A.A.M. Durrant (team)
Stamp 1st, Supermarine Spitfire by R.J.Mitchell from Design Classics (2009) Supermarine Spitfire by R.J.Mitchell, 1st
1st, Mini Skirt by Mary Quant from Design Classics (2009) Mini Skirt by Mary Quant, 1st
1st, Mk 1 Austin Mini by Sir Alec Issigonis from Design Classics (2009) Mk 1 Austin Mini by Sir Alec Issigonis, 1st
1st, Anglepoise Lamp by George Carwardine from Design Classics (2009) Anglepoise Lamp by George Carwardine, 1st
1st, Concorde by Aerospatiale-BAC from Design Classics (2009) Concorde by Aerospatiale-BAC, 1st
1st, K2 Telephone Kiosk by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott from Design Classics (2009) K2 Telephone Kiosk by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, 1st
1st, Polypropylene Chair by Robin Day from Design Classics (2009) Polypropylene Chair by Robin Day, 1st
1st, Penguin Books by Edward Young from Design Classics (2009) Penguin Books by Edward Young, 1st
1st, London Underground Map by Harry Beck from Design Classics (2009) London Underground Map by Harry Beck, 1st
1st, Routemaster Bus by A.A.M. Durrant (team) from Design Classics (2009) Routemaster Bus by A.A.M. Durrant (team), 1st
First Day Cover Design Classics - (2009) Official First Day Cover Official First Day Cover
Prestige Stamp Book Sheet First Day Cover
Presentation Pack Design Classics - (2009) Design Classics Design Classics, Pack 421
Generic Sheet Design Classics - (2009) Design Classics Design Classics
Medal Cover Design Classics - (2009) Design Classics Design Classics
PHQ Cards Design Classics
Prestige Stamp Book Design Classics - (2009) Prestige Stamp Book Prestige Stamp Book
A3 Poster Design Classics - (2009) Design Classics Design Classics
Poster Design Classics - (2009) Design Classics Design Classics
Design Classics - (2009) Design Classics Design Classics
Design Classics - (2009) Design Classics Design Classics
Retail Stamp Book Design Classics - (2009) Supermarine Spitfire Supermarine Spitfire
Design Classics - (2009) Mini Skirt Mini Skirt
Design Classics - (2009) Concorde Concorde
Design Classics - (2009) Mini Mini
Design Classics - (2009) Routemaster Bus Routemaster Bus

250th Anniversary of Robert Burns

2009 (January 22 2009)

Collect GB Stamps 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns at Wikipedia

250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 1st Stamp (2009) Burns Portrait 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 1st Stamp (2009) A Mans a Man for a' that
250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 81p Stamp (2009) Tartan 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 50p Stamp (2009) Thistle 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 1st Stamp (2009) Dragon 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 2nd Stamp (2009) Saltire
Stamp 1st, A Mans a Man for a' that from 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns (2009) A Mans a Man for a' that, 1st
1st, Burns Portrait from 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns (2009) Burns Portrait, 1st
2nd, Saltire from 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns (2009) Saltire, 2nd
1st, Dragon from 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns (2009) Dragon, 1st
50p, Thistle from 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns (2009) Thistle, 50p
81p, Tartan from 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns (2009) Tartan, 81p
First Day Cover 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns - (2009) 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns
Miniature Sheet 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns - (2009) 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns
Presentation Pack 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns - (2009) 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns, Pack 422
PHQ Cards 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns
A3 Poster 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns - (2009) 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns
Poster 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns - (2009) 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns

Charles Darwin

200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin
2009 (February 12 2009)

Collect GB Stamps 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin at Wikipedia

Charles Darwin 1st Stamp (2009) Darwin 1809-1882 Charles Darwin 48p Stamp (2009) Zoology Charles Darwin 50p Stamp (2009) Ornithology
Charles Darwin 56p Stamp (2009) Geology Charles Darwin 72p Stamp (2009) Botany Charles Darwin 81p Stamp (2009) Anthropology
Charles Darwin 1st Stamp (2009) Flightless Cormorant Charles Darwin 1st Stamp (2009) Giant Tortoise and Cactus Finch Charles Darwin 81p Stamp (2009) Marine Iguana Charles Darwin 81p Stamp (2009) Floreana Mockingbird
Stamp 1st, Darwin 1809-1882 from Charles Darwin (2009) Darwin 1809-1882, 1st
48p, Zoology from Charles Darwin (2009) Zoology, 48p
50p, Ornithology from Charles Darwin (2009) Ornithology, 50p
56p, Geology from Charles Darwin (2009) Geology, 56p
72p, Botany from Charles Darwin (2009) Botany, 72p
81p, Anthropology from Charles Darwin (2009) Anthropology, 81p
1st, Flightless Cormorant from Charles Darwin (2009) Flightless Cormorant, 1st
1st, Giant Tortoise and Cactus Finch from Charles Darwin (2009) Giant Tortoise and Cactus Finch, 1st
81p, Marine Iguana from Charles Darwin (2009) Marine Iguana, 81p
81p, Floreana Mockingbird from Charles Darwin (2009) Floreana Mockingbird, 81p
First Day Cover Charles Darwin - (2009) First Day Cover First Day Cover
Charles Darwin - (2009) Prestige Stamp Book  Sheet First Day Cover Prestige Stamp Book Sheet First Day Cover
Charles Darwin - (2009) Miniature Sheet First Day Cover Miniature Sheet First Day Cover
Miniature Sheet Charles Darwin - (2009) 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin
Presentation Pack Charles Darwin - (2009) 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin, Pack 423
Charles Darwin - (2009) 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin, Pack 423
Presentation Pack Inner Charles Darwin - (2009) Charles Darwin Charles Darwin
PHQ Cards Charles Darwin
Prestige Stamp Book Charles Darwin - (2009) 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin 200th Birth Anniversary of Charles Darwin
A3 Poster Charles Darwin - (2009) Charles Darwin Charles Darwin
Poster Charles Darwin - (2009) Charles Darwin Charles Darwin


Security features added including elliptical slits and iridescent overprint.
2009 (February 17 2009)
Machin Definitive

Definitives 1st large Stamp (2009) First Class Large Definitives 2nd Large Stamp (2009) Second Class Large Definitives 1st Stamp (2009) First Class Definitives 2nd Stamp (2009) Second Class
Definitives £1 Stamp (2009) £1.00 Ruby Definitives 50p Stamp (2009) 50p Light Grey
Definitives £5.00 Stamp (2009) £5.00 Grey Blue Definitives £3.00 Stamp (2009) £3.00 Purple Definitives £2.00 Stamp (2009) £2.00 Slate Blue Definitives £1.50 Stamp (2009) £1.50 Terracotta
Stamp 2nd, Second Class from Definitives (2009) Second Class, 2nd
1st, First Class from Definitives (2009) First Class, 1st
2nd Large, Second Class Large from Definitives (2009) Second Class Large, 2nd Large
1st large, First Class Large from Definitives (2009) First Class Large, 1st large
50p, 50p Light Grey from Definitives (2009) 50p Light Grey, 50p
£1, £1.00 Ruby from Definitives (2009) £1.00 Ruby, £1
£1.50, £1.50 Terracotta from Definitives (2009) £1.50 Terracotta, £1.50
£2.00, £2.00 Slate Blue from Definitives (2009) £2.00 Slate Blue, £2.00
£3.00, £3.00 Purple from Definitives (2009) £3.00 Purple, £3.00
£5.00, £5.00 Grey Blue from Definitives (2009) £5.00 Grey Blue, £5.00
First Day Cover Definitives - (2009) Machin Definitives Machin Definitives
Definitives - (2009) Definitives Definitives
Presentation Pack Definitives - (2009) Definitives Definitives, Pack 82
Definitives - (2009) High Value Definitives High Value Definitives, Pack 83
Poster Definitives - (2009) Definitives Definitives

Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru

2009 (February 26 2009)

Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru 1st Stamp (2009) Welsh Dragon Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru 1st Stamp (2009) Red Dragon
Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru 81p Stamp (2009) National Assembly, Cardiff Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru 81p Stamp (2009) St David
Stamp 1st, Red Dragon from Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru (2009) Red Dragon, 1st
1st, Welsh Dragon from Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru (2009) Welsh Dragon, 1st
81p, St David from Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru (2009) St David, 81p
81p, National Assembly, Cardiff from Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru (2009) National Assembly, Cardiff, 81p
First Day Cover Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru - (2009) Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru
Miniature Sheet Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru - (2009) Celebrating Wales Celebrating Wales
Presentation Pack Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru - (2009) Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru, Pack 424
PHQ Cards Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru
A3 Poster Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru - (2009) Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru
Poster Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru - (2009) Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru
Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru - (2009) Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru Celebrating Wales - Dathlu Cymru

40th Anniversary of First Concorde Flight

2009 (March 2 2009)

Generic Sheet 40th Anniversary of First Concorde Flight - (2009) 40th Anniversary of First Concorde Flight 40th Anniversary of First Concorde Flight

Brilliant Britain

2009 (March 6 2009)

Souvenir Pack Brilliant Britain - (2009) Brilliant Britain Miniature Sheet Collection Pack Brilliant Britain Miniature Sheet Collection Pack

Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution

2009 (March 10 2009)

Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution 1st Stamp (2009) Matthew Boulton - Manufacturing Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution 1st Stamp (2009) James Watt - Steam Engineering Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution 50p Stamp (2009) Richard Arkwright - Textiles Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution 50p Stamp (2009) Josiah Wedgewood - Ceramics
Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution 56p Stamp (2009) George Stephenson - Railways Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution 56p Stamp (2009) Henry Maudslay - Machine Making Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution 72p Stamp (2009) James Brindley - Canal Engineering Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution 72p Stamp (2009) John McAdam - Road Building
Stamp 1st, Matthew Boulton - Manufacturing from Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution (2009) Matthew Boulton - Manufacturing, 1st
1st, James Watt - Steam Engineering from Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution (2009) James Watt - Steam Engineering, 1st
50p, Richard Arkwright - Textiles from Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution (2009) Richard Arkwright - Textiles, 50p
50p, Josiah Wedgewood - Ceramics from Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution (2009) Josiah Wedgewood - Ceramics, 50p
56p, George Stephenson - Railways from Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution (2009) George Stephenson - Railways, 56p
56p, Henry Maudslay - Machine Making from Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution (2009) Henry Maudslay - Machine Making, 56p
72p, James Brindley - Canal Engineering from Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution (2009) James Brindley - Canal Engineering, 72p
72p, John McAdam - Road Building from Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution (2009) John McAdam - Road Building, 72p
First Day Cover Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution - (2009) Pioneers of Industrial Revolution Pioneers of Industrial Revolution
Presentation Pack Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution - (2009) Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution, Pack 425
Presentation Pack Inner Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution - (2009) Pioneers of Industrial Revolution Pioneers of Industrial Revolution
PHQ Cards Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution
A3 Poster Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution - (2009) Pioneers of Industrial Revolution Pioneers of Industrial Revolution
Poster Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution - (2009) Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution Pioneers of the Industrial Revolution

Castles of Northern Ireland

2009 (March 17 2009)

Generic Sheet Castles of Northern Ireland - (2009) Castles of Northern Ireland Castles of Northern Ireland

Post and Go Stamps

2009 (March 31 2009)

Post and Go Stamps 1st Stamp (2009) Post & Go 1st Class Post and Go Stamps 1st Large Stamp (2009) Post & Go 1st Large Post and Go Stamps E Stamp (2009) Post & Go Europe to 20g Post and Go Stamps W Stamp (2009) Post & Go Worldwide to 10g Post and Go Stamps W Stamp (2009) Post & Go Worldwide to 20g
Stamp 1st, Post & Go 1st Class from Post and Go Stamps (2009) Post & Go 1st Class, 1st
1st Large, Post & Go 1st Large from Post and Go Stamps (2009) Post & Go 1st Large, 1st Large
E, Post & Go Europe to 20g from Post and Go Stamps (2009) Post & Go Europe to 20g, E
W, Post & Go Worldwide to 10g from Post and Go Stamps (2009) Post & Go Worldwide to 10g, W
W, Post & Go Worldwide to 20g from Post and Go Stamps (2009) Post & Go Worldwide to 20g, W
Presentation Pack Post and Go Stamps - (2009) Post and Go Stamps Post and Go Stamps

Regional Definitive

2009 (March 31 2009)
Regional Definitive

Regional Definitive 90p Stamp (2009) Tartan Regional Definitive 56p Stamp (2009) Thistle Regional Definitive 90p Stamp (2009) Rose Regional Definitive 56p Stamp (2009) Oak Tree Regional Definitive 90p Stamp (2009) Parian China Regional Definitive 56p Stamp (2009) Linen Regional Definitive 90p Stamp (2009) Prince of Wales Feathers Regional Definitive 56p Stamp (2009) Daffodil
Stamp 56p, Daffodil from Regional Definitive (2009) Daffodil, 56p
90p, Prince of Wales Feathers from Regional Definitive (2009) Prince of Wales Feathers, 90p
56p, Linen from Regional Definitive (2009) Linen, 56p
90p, Parian China from Regional Definitive (2009) Parian China, 90p
56p, Oak Tree from Regional Definitive (2009) Oak Tree, 56p
90p, Rose from Regional Definitive (2009) Rose, 90p
56p, Thistle from Regional Definitive (2009) Thistle, 56p
90p, Tartan from Regional Definitive (2009) Tartan, 90p
First Day Cover Regional Definitive - (2009) Regional Definitive Regional Definitive
Regional Definitive - (2009) Regional Definitive Regional Definitive
Regional Definitive - (2009) Regional Definitive Regional Definitive
Regional Definitive - (2009) Regional Definitive Regional Definitive
Presentation Pack Regional Definitive - (2009) Regional Definitive Regional Definitive, Pack 85
Presentation Pack Inner Regional Definitive - (2009) Regional Definitive Regional Definitive
Poster Regional Definitive - (2009) Regional Definitive Regional Definitive


2009 (March 31 2009)
Machin Definitive

Definitives 90p Stamp (2009) Ultramarine Definitives 62p Stamp (2009) Red Definitives 22p Stamp (2009) Stone Definitives 17p Stamp (2009) Olive Green
Stamp 17p, Olive Green from Definitives (2009) Olive Green, 17p
22p, Stone from Definitives (2009) Stone, 22p
62p, Red from Definitives (2009) Red, 62p
90p, Ultramarine from Definitives (2009) Ultramarine, 90p
First Day Cover Definitives - (2009) Machin Definitives Machin Definitives
Presentation Pack Definitives - (2009) Machin Definitives Machin Definitives, Pack 84

The House of Tudor

2009 (April 21 2009)

Collect GB Stamps The House of Tudor at Wikipedia
Collect GB Stamps Tudor Dynasty at Wikipedia

The House of Tudor 62p Stamp (2009) Edward VI (1547-1553) The House of Tudor 1st Stamp (2009) Henry VIII (1509-1547) The House of Tudor 1st Stamp (2009) Henry VII (1457-1509)
The House of Tudor 81p Stamp (2009) Elizabeth I (1558-1603) The House of Tudor 81p Stamp (2009) Mary (1553-1558) The House of Tudor 62p Stamp (2009) Lady Jane Grey (1553)
The House of Tudor 81p Stamp (2009) Francis Drake The House of Tudor 81p Stamp (2009) Royal Exchange The House of Tudor 1st Stamp (2009) Field of Cloth of Gold The House of Tudor 1st Stamp (2009) Mary Rose
Stamp 1st, Henry VII (1457-1509) from The House of Tudor (2009) Henry VII (1457-1509), 1st
1st, Henry VIII (1509-1547) from The House of Tudor (2009) Henry VIII (1509-1547), 1st
62p, Edward VI (1547-1553) from The House of Tudor (2009) Edward VI (1547-1553), 62p
62p, Lady Jane Grey (1553) from The House of Tudor (2009) Lady Jane Grey (1553), 62p
81p, Mary (1553-1558) from The House of Tudor (2009) Mary (1553-1558), 81p
81p, Elizabeth I (1558-1603) from The House of Tudor (2009) Elizabeth I (1558-1603), 81p
1st, Mary Rose from The House of Tudor (2009) Mary Rose, 1st
1st, Field of Cloth of Gold from The House of Tudor (2009) Field of Cloth of Gold, 1st
81p, Royal Exchange from The House of Tudor (2009) Royal Exchange, 81p
81p, Francis Drake from The House of Tudor (2009) Francis Drake, 81p
First Day Cover The House of Tudor - (2009) The House of Tudor The House of Tudor
The House of Tudor - (2009) The House of Tudor The House of Tudor
Miniature Sheet The House of Tudor - (2009) Kings and Queens (Tudors) Kings and Queens (Tudors)
Presentation Pack The House of Tudor - (2009) The House of Tudor The House of Tudor, Pack 426
The House of Tudor - (2009) The House of Tudor The House of Tudor, Pack 426
PHQ Cards The House of Tudor
A3 Poster The House of Tudor - (2009) Kings and Queens (Tudors) Kings and Queens (Tudors)
Cachet Cover The House of Tudor - (2009) The House of Tudor The House of Tudor

Castles of England

2009 (April 23 2009)

Generic Sheet Castles of England - (2009) Castles of England Castles of England

Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue

2009 (April 30 2009)

Collect GB Stamps Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue at Norphil

Generic Sheet Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue - (2009) Hello Hello
Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue - (2009) Sunflower Sunflower
Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue - (2009) Balloons Balloons
Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue - (2009) Balloons Balloons
Souvenir Pack Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue - (2009) Smilers for Kids - Noddy and Big Ears Smilers for Kids - Noddy and Big Ears
Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue - (2009) Smilers for Kids - Jeremy Fisher from Beatirx Potter Smilers for Kids - Jeremy Fisher from Beatirx Potter
Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue - (2009) Smilers for Kids - Little Miss Sunshine Smilers for Kids - Little Miss Sunshine
Smilers for Kids - 2nd Issue - (2009) Smilers for Kids - Wild Cherry from Flower Fairies Smilers for Kids - Wild Cherry from Flower Fairies


UK Species in Recovery Action for Species
2009 (May 19 2009)

Collect GB Stamps Kew Gardens at Wikipedia

Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Round-Headed Leek Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Floating Water-Plantain Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Lady's Slipper Orchid Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Dwarf Milkwort Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Marsh Saxifrage
Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Downy Woundwort Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Upright Spurge Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Plymouth Pear Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Sea Knotgrass Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Deptford Pink
Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Palm House, Kew Gardens Plants 1st Stamp (2009) Millennium Seed Bank, Wakehurst Place Plants 81p Stamp (2009) Pagoda, Kew Gardens Plants 81p Stamp (2009) Sacklet Crossing, Kew Gardens
Stamp 1st, Round-Headed Leek from Plants (2009) Round-Headed Leek, 1st
1st, Floating Water-Plantain from Plants (2009) Floating Water-Plantain, 1st
1st, Lady's Slipper Orchid from Plants (2009) Lady's Slipper Orchid, 1st
1st, Dwarf Milkwort from Plants (2009) Dwarf Milkwort, 1st
1st, Marsh Saxifrage from Plants (2009) Marsh Saxifrage, 1st
1st, Downy Woundwort from Plants (2009) Downy Woundwort, 1st
1st, Upright Spurge from Plants (2009) Upright Spurge, 1st
1st, Plymouth Pear from Plants (2009) Plymouth Pear, 1st
1st, Sea Knotgrass from Plants (2009) Sea Knotgrass, 1st
1st, Deptford Pink from Plants (2009) Deptford Pink, 1st
1st, Palm House, Kew Gardens from Plants (2009) Palm House, Kew Gardens, 1st
1st, Millennium Seed Bank, Wakehurst Place from Plants (2009) Millennium Seed Bank, Wakehurst Place, 1st
81p, Pagoda, Kew Gardens from Plants (2009) Pagoda, Kew Gardens, 81p
81p, Sacklet Crossing, Kew Gardens from Plants (2009) Sacklet Crossing, Kew Gardens, 81p
First Day Cover Plants - (2009) Endangered Plants and 250th Anniversary of Kew Gardens Endangered Plants and 250th Anniversary of Kew Gardens
Plants - (2009) Plants - UK Species in Recovery Plants - UK Species in Recovery
Miniature Sheet Plants - (2009) Kew - Royal Botanic Gardens Kew - Royal Botanic Gardens
Presentation Pack Plants - (2009) Plants Plants, Pack 427
Plants - (2009) Plants Plants, Pack 427
PHQ Cards Plants
Postcard Plants - (2009) The 250th Anniversary of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew The 250th Anniversary of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew
Plants - (2009) Plants Plants
Plants - (2009) Plants Plants
Plants - (2009) Plants Plants
Plants - (2009) Plants Plants

Celebrating 50 Years of NAFAS

Celbrating 50 Years of the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
2009 (May 21 2009)

Collect GB Stamps National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies

Retail Stamp Book Celebrating 50 Years of NAFAS - (2009) Celebrating 50 Years of NAFAS Celebrating 50 Years of NAFAS

Mythical Creatures

Illustrations by Dave McKean
2009 (June 16 2009)

Collect GB Stamps Dave McKean

Mythical Creatures 62p Stamp (2009) Giants Mythical Creatures 1st Stamp (2009) Unicorns Mythical Creatures 1st Stamp (2009) Dragons
Mythical Creatures 90p Stamp (2009) Fairies Mythical Creatures 90p Stamp (2009) Mermaids Mythical Creatures 62p Stamp (2009) Pixies
Stamp 1st, Dragons from Mythical Creatures (2009) Dragons, 1st
1st, Unicorns from Mythical Creatures (2009) Unicorns, 1st
62p, Giants from Mythical Creatures (2009) Giants, 62p
62p, Pixies from Mythical Creatures (2009) Pixies, 62p
90p, Mermaids from Mythical Creatures (2009) Mermaids, 90p
90p, Fairies from Mythical Creatures (2009) Fairies, 90p
First Day Cover Mythical Creatures - (2009) Mythical Creatures Mythical Creatures
Presentation Pack Mythical Creatures - (2009) Mythical Creatures Mythical Creatures, Pack 428
PHQ Cards Mythical Creatures

Journey to the Moon

2009 (July 21 2009)

Commemorative Sheet Journey to the Moon - (2009) Journey to the Moon Journey to the Moon


2009 (August 3 2009)

Generic Sheet THAIPEX Expo - (2009) THAIPEX Expo THAIPEX Expo

Post Boxes

2009 (August 18 2009)

Collect GB Stamps The Letter Box Study Group
Collect GB Stamps Post Box at Wikipedia

Post Boxes 81p Stamp (2009) Victorian Lamp Box Post Boxes 1st Stamp (2009) George V Type B Wall Box Post Boxes 56p Stamp (2009) Edward VII Ludlow Box Post Boxes 90p Stamp (2009) Elizabeth II Type A Wall Box
Stamp 1st, George V Type B Wall Box from Post Boxes (2009) George V Type B Wall Box, 1st
81p, Victorian Lamp Box from Post Boxes (2009) Victorian Lamp Box, 81p
56p, Edward VII Ludlow Box from Post Boxes (2009) Edward VII Ludlow Box, 56p
90p, Elizabeth II Type A Wall Box from Post Boxes (2009) Elizabeth II Type A Wall Box, 90p
First Day Cover Post Boxes - (2009) Postboxes Postboxes
Post Boxes - (2009) Postboxes Postboxes
Miniature Sheet Post Boxes - (2009) Postboxes Postboxes
Presentation Pack Post Boxes - (2009) Post Boxes Post Boxes, Pack 430
Generic Sheet Post Boxes - (2009) Postboxes Postboxes
PHQ Cards Post Boxes
Prestige Stamp Book Post Boxes - (2009) Treasures of the Archive Treasures of the Archive

Fire and Rescue Service

2009 (September 1 2009)

Fire and Rescue Service 1st Stamp (2009) Firefighting Fire and Rescue Service 54p Stamp (2009) Chemical Fire Fire and Rescue Service 56p Stamp (2009) Emergency Rescue
Fire and Rescue Service 62p Stamp (2009) Flood Rescue Fire and Rescue Service 81p Stamp (2009) Search and Rescue Fire and Rescue Service 90p Stamp (2009) Fire Safety
Stamp 1st, Firefighting from Fire and Rescue Service (2009) Firefighting, 1st
54p, Chemical Fire from Fire and Rescue Service (2009) Chemical Fire, 54p
56p, Emergency Rescue from Fire and Rescue Service (2009) Emergency Rescue, 56p
62p, Flood Rescue from Fire and Rescue Service (2009) Flood Rescue, 62p
81p, Search and Rescue from Fire and Rescue Service (2009) Search and Rescue, 81p
90p, Fire Safety from Fire and Rescue Service (2009) Fire Safety, 90p
First Day Cover Fire and Rescue Service - (2009) The Fire Service The Fire Service
Presentation Pack Fire and Rescue Service - (2009) Fire and Rescue Service Fire and Rescue Service, Pack 429
Medal Cover Fire and Rescue Service - (2009) Fire and Rescue Service Fire and Rescue Service
PHQ Cards Fire and Rescue Service

Military Uniforms Collection

2009 (September 17 2009)

Souvenir Pack Military Uniforms Collection - (2009) Military Uniforms Collection Pack Military Uniforms Collection Pack

Royal Navy Uniforms

2009 (September 17 2009)

Collect GB Stamps Royal Navy at Wikipedia

Royal Navy Uniforms 1st Stamp (2009) Flight Deck Officer 2009 Royal Navy Uniforms 1st Stamp (2009) Captain 1941 Royal Navy Uniforms 1st Stamp (2009) Second Officer WRNS 1918
Royal Navy Uniforms 90p Stamp (2009) Able Seaman 1880 Royal Navy Uniforms 90p Stamp (2009) Royal Marine 1805 Royal Navy Uniforms 90p Stamp (2009) Admiral 1795
Stamp 1st, Flight Deck Officer 2009 from Royal Navy Uniforms (2009) Flight Deck Officer 2009, 1st
1st, Captain 1941 from Royal Navy Uniforms (2009) Captain 1941, 1st
1st, Second Officer WRNS 1918 from Royal Navy Uniforms (2009) Second Officer WRNS 1918, 1st
90p, Able Seaman 1880 from Royal Navy Uniforms (2009) Able Seaman 1880, 90p
90p, Royal Marine 1805 from Royal Navy Uniforms (2009) Royal Marine 1805, 90p
90p, Admiral 1795 from Royal Navy Uniforms (2009) Admiral 1795, 90p
First Day Cover Royal Navy Uniforms - (2009) Royal Navy Uniforms Royal Navy Uniforms
Royal Navy Uniforms - (2009) Prestige Stamp Book  Sheet First Day Cover Prestige Stamp Book Sheet First Day Cover
Presentation Pack Royal Navy Uniforms - (2009) Royal Navy Uniforms Royal Navy Uniforms, Pack 431
PHQ Cards Royal Navy Uniforms
Prestige Stamp Book Royal Navy Uniforms - (2009) Royal Navy Uniforms Royal Navy Uniforms
Poster Royal Navy Uniforms - (2009) Royal Navy Uniforms Royal Navy Uniforms
Cachet Cover Royal Navy Uniforms - (2009) Royal Navy Uniforms Royal Navy Uniforms

150th Anniversary of Big Ben

2009 (September 18 2009)

Medal Cover 150th Anniversary of Big Ben - (2009) 150th Anniversary of Big Ben 150th Anniversary of Big Ben
Commemorative Sheet 150th Anniversary of Big Ben - (2009) 150th Anniversary of Big Ben 150th Anniversary of Big Ben

Anniversary of Cambridge University

2009 (October 7 2009)

Commemorative Sheet Anniversary of Cambridge University - (2009) Anniversary of Cambridge University Anniversary of Cambridge University

Eminent Britons

2009 (October 8 2009)

Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Fred Perry 1909-1995 Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Henry Purcell 1659-1695 Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Sir Matt Busby 1909-1994 Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) William Gladstone 1809-1898 Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797
Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Donald Campbell 1921-1967 Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Judy Fryd 1909-2000 Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Samuel Johnson 1709-1784 Eminent Britons 1st Stamp (2009) Sir Martin Ryle 1918 - 1984
Stamp 1st, Fred Perry 1909-1995 from Eminent Britons (2009) Fred Perry 1909-1995, 1st
1st, Henry Purcell 1659-1695 from Eminent Britons (2009) Henry Purcell 1659-1695, 1st
1st, Sir Matt Busby 1909-1994 from Eminent Britons (2009) Sir Matt Busby 1909-1994, 1st
1st, William Gladstone 1809-1898 from Eminent Britons (2009) William Gladstone 1809-1898, 1st
1st, Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797 from Eminent Britons (2009) Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797, 1st
1st, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 from Eminent Britons (2009) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930, 1st
1st, Donald Campbell 1921-1967 from Eminent Britons (2009) Donald Campbell 1921-1967, 1st
1st, Judy Fryd 1909-2000 from Eminent Britons (2009) Judy Fryd 1909-2000, 1st
1st, Samuel Johnson 1709-1784 from Eminent Britons (2009) Samuel Johnson 1709-1784, 1st
1st, Sir Martin Ryle 1918 - 1984 from Eminent Britons (2009) Sir Martin Ryle 1918 - 1984, 1st
First Day Cover Eminent Britons - (2009) Eminent Britons Eminent Britons
Presentation Pack Eminent Britons - (2009) Eminent Britons Eminent Britons, Pack 432
PHQ Cards Eminent Britons

Italia 2009 Stamp Expo

2009 (October 21 2009)

Generic Sheet Italia 2009 Stamp Expo - (2009) Italia 2009 Stamp Expo Italia 2009 Stamp Expo

Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012

2009 (October 22 2009)

Collect GB Stamps BBC News - London 2012 sport stamps launched
Collect GB Stamps London 2012

Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Canoe Slalom Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Paralympic Games - Archery Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Athletics - Track Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Aquatics Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Paralympic Games - Boccia
Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Judo Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Paralympic Games - Equestrian Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Badminton Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Weightlifting Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 1st Stamp (2009) Basketball
Stamp 1st, Canoe Slalom from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Canoe Slalom, 1st
1st, Paralympic Games - Archery from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Paralympic Games - Archery, 1st
1st, Athletics - Track from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Athletics - Track, 1st
1st, Aquatics from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Aquatics, 1st
1st, Paralympic Games - Boccia from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Paralympic Games - Boccia, 1st
1st, Judo from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Judo, 1st
1st, Paralympic Games - Equestrian from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Paralympic Games - Equestrian, 1st
1st, Badminton from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Badminton, 1st
1st, Weightlifting from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Weightlifting, 1st
1st, Basketball from Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 (2009) Basketball, 1st
First Day Cover Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 - (2009) Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012
Presentation Pack Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 - (2009) Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012, Pack M18
PHQ Cards Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012
Philatelic Numismatic Cover Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 - (2009) Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012
Commemorative Sheet Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 - (2009) Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 - The Journey Begins Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 - The Journey Begins

Christmas 2009

2009 (November 3 2009)

Collect GB Stamps Royal Mail at Royal Mail

Christmas 2009 2nd Stamp (2009) Angel by William Morris, Church of St. James, Stavely, Kendal Christmas 2009 2nd Large Stamp (2009) Angel by William Morris, Church of St. James, Stavely, Kendal Christmas 2009 1st Stamp (2009) Madonna and Child by Henry Holiday, Ormesby St Michael, Ormesby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk Christmas 2009 1st Large Stamp (2009) Madonna and Child by Henry Holiday, Ormesby St Michael, Ormesby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
Christmas 2009 56p Stamp (2009) Joseph by Henry Holiday, Parish Church of St Michael, Minehead, Somerset Christmas 2009 90p Stamp (2009) Wise Man by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, St Mary the Virgin, Rye, East Sussex Christmas 2009 £1.35 Stamp (2009) Shepherd by Henry Holiday, St Mary's Upavon, Wiltshire
Stamp 2nd, Angel by William Morris, Church of St. James, Stavely, Kendal from Christmas 2009 (2009) Angel by William Morris, Church of St. James, Stavely, Kendal, 2nd
2nd Large, Angel by William Morris, Church of St. James, Stavely, Kendal from Christmas 2009 (2009) Angel by William Morris, Church of St. James, Stavely, Kendal, 2nd Large
1st, Madonna and Child by Henry Holiday, Ormesby St Michael, Ormesby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk from Christmas 2009 (2009) Madonna and Child by Henry Holiday, Ormesby St Michael, Ormesby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, 1st
1st Large, Madonna and Child by Henry Holiday, Ormesby St Michael, Ormesby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk from Christmas 2009 (2009) Madonna and Child by Henry Holiday, Ormesby St Michael, Ormesby, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, 1st Large
56p, Joseph by Henry Holiday, Parish Church of St Michael, Minehead, Somerset from Christmas 2009 (2009) Joseph by Henry Holiday, Parish Church of St Michael, Minehead, Somerset, 56p
90p, Wise Man by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, St Mary the Virgin, Rye, East Sussex from Christmas 2009 (2009) Wise Man by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, St Mary the Virgin, Rye, East Sussex, 90p
£1.35, Shepherd by Henry Holiday, St Mary's Upavon, Wiltshire from Christmas 2009 (2009) Shepherd by Henry Holiday, St Mary's Upavon, Wiltshire, £1.35
First Day Cover Christmas 2009 - (2009) Minitature Sheet First Day Cover Minitature Sheet First Day Cover
Christmas 2009 - (2009) Christmas Christmas
Miniature Sheet Christmas 2009 - (2009) Miniature Sheet Miniature Sheet
Presentation Pack Christmas 2009 - (2009) Christmas 2009 Christmas 2009, Pack 433
Generic Sheet Christmas 2009 - (2009) Christmas 2009 Christmas 2009
PHQ Cards Christmas 2009
Poster Christmas 2009 - (2009) Christmas 2009 Christmas 2009

Recorded Signed For Definitives

2009 (November 17 2009)
Machin Definitive

Recorded Signed For Definitives 1st Stamp (2009) First Class Recorded Signed For Recorded Signed For Definitives 1st Large Stamp (2009) First Class Large Recorded Signed For
Stamp 1st, First Class Recorded Signed For from Recorded Signed For Definitives (2009) First Class Recorded Signed For, 1st
1st Large, First Class Large Recorded Signed For from Recorded Signed For Definitives (2009) First Class Large Recorded Signed For, 1st Large
First Day Cover Recorded Signed For Definitives - (2009) Recorded Signed For Definitives Recorded Signed For Definitives
Poster Recorded Signed For Definitives - (2009) Recorded Signed For Definitives Recorded Signed For Definitives

Castles of Scotland

2009 (November 30 2009)

Generic Sheet Castles of Scotland - (2009) Castles of Scotland Castles of Scotland

High Value Definitives

2009 (December 1 2009)

Philatelic Numismatic Cover High Value Definitives - (2009) High Value Definitives High Value Definitives

MonocoPhil 2009

2009 (December 4 2009)

Generic Sheet MonocoPhil 2009 - (2009) MonocoPhil 2009 MonocoPhil 2009

Collections 2009

2009 (December 31 2009)

Miniature Sheet Pack Collections 2009 - (2009) Miniature Sheets 2009 Miniature Sheets 2009
Year Book Collections 2009 - (2009) Year Book 2009 Year Book 2009
Year Pack Collections 2009 - (2009) Year Pack 2009 Year Pack 2009

Posters 2009

2009 (December 31 2009)

Poster Posters 2009 - (2009) Posters 2009 Posters 2009
Posters 2009 - (2009) Posters 2009 Posters 2009

Publications 2009

2009 (December 31 2009)

Stocklist Publications 2009 - (2009) September 2010 September 2010
Publications 2009 - (2009) February 2009 February 2009
Calendar Publications 2009 - (2009) Publications 2009 Publications 2009

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