British stamps for 2013

2012 2014

  2013 First Day Cover Checklist   2013 Presentation Pack Checklist   2013 Stamp Checklist

Definitives - Revised Colours

2013 (January 3 2013)
Machin Definitive

Definitives - Revised Colours 1p Stamp (2013) 1p Iridescent Definitives - Revised Colours 2p Stamp (2013) 2p Iridescent Definitives - Revised Colours 5p Stamp (2013) 5p Iridescent Definitives - Revised Colours 10p Stamp (2013) 10p Iridescent Definitives - Revised Colours 20p Stamp (2013) 20p Iridescent Definitives - Revised Colours 50p Stamp (2013) 50p Iridescent Definitives - Revised Colours 1st Stamp (2013) 1st Royal Mail Red Definitives - Revised Colours 1st Large Stamp (2013) 1st Large Royal Mail Red Definitives - Revised Colours £1 Stamp (2013) £1.00 Wood
Stamp 1p, 1p Iridescent  from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) 1p Iridescent , 1p
2p, 2p Iridescent  from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) 2p Iridescent , 2p
5p, 5p Iridescent  from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) 5p Iridescent , 5p
10p, 10p Iridescent  from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) 10p Iridescent , 10p
20p, 20p Iridescent  from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) 20p Iridescent , 20p
50p, 50p Iridescent  from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) 50p Iridescent , 50p
1st, 1st Royal Mail Red from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) 1st Royal Mail Red, 1st
1st Large, 1st Large Royal Mail Red from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) 1st Large Royal Mail Red, 1st Large
£1, £1.00 Wood from Definitives - Revised Colours (2013) £1.00 Wood, £1
First Day Cover Definitives - Revised Colours - (2013) Definitives - Revised Colours Definitives - Revised Colours
Presentation Pack Definitives - Revised Colours - (2013) Definitives - Revised Colours Definitives - Revised Colours, Pack 96

London Underground

Issued on 9 January, London Underground features ten stamps; six charting the history of the network, alongside a miniature sheet of four long-format stamps focusing on the design heritage of its iconic posters. The issue date coincides with the precise anniversary in 1863 of the first part of what was to become London’s Underground: the steam-driven Metropolitan Railway running between Paddington Station and Farringdon Street via Kings Cross. Fittingly it’s the Metropolitan Railway that features on the first of two 2nd class stamps, while the other shows railway workers, or Navvies as they were known commonly, excavating a tube tunnel. Edwardian commuters travelling in from the suburbs are depicted on one of the 1st class pair of stamps, while the other features the Piccadilly Line’s Boston Manor, an example of many art deco stations built in the 1920s and 30s. Classic rolling stock travelling on the tube’s ‘deep cut’ lines in 1938 and Sir Norman Foster’s Canary Wharf Station make up the £1.28p pair. Each of the stamps features a timeline across the lower quarter of the stamps using different livery colours taken from London Underground lines.
2013 (January 9 2013)

London Underground 2nd Stamp (2013) 1863 - Metropolitan Railway Opens London Underground 2nd Stamp (2013) 1898 - Tunnelling Below London Streets London Underground 1st Stamp (2013) 1911 - Commute to the Suburbs
London Underground 1st Stamp (2013) 1934 - Boston Manor Art Decor Station London Underground £1.28 Stamp (2013) 1938 - Classic Rolling Stock London Underground £1.28 Stamp (2013) 1999 - Jubilee Line at Canary Wharf
London Underground 1st Stamp (2013) London Underground Posters - Golders Green, By Underground to fresh air and Summer sales London Underground 77p Stamp (2013) Lomdon Underground Posters - For the Zoo, Power and The seen
London Underground 87p Stamp (2013) London Underground Posters - A train every 90 seconds, Thanks to the Underground and Cut travelling time London Underground £1.28 Stamp (2013) London Underground Posters - The London Transport Collection, London Zoo and the Tate Gallery by Tube
Stamp 2nd, 1863 - Metropolitan Railway Opens from London Underground (2013) 1863 - Metropolitan Railway Opens, 2nd
2nd, 1898 - Tunnelling Below London Streets from London Underground (2013) 1898 - Tunnelling Below London Streets, 2nd
1st, 1911 - Commute to the Suburbs from London Underground (2013) 1911 - Commute to the Suburbs, 1st
1st, 1934 - Boston Manor Art Decor Station from London Underground (2013) 1934 - Boston Manor Art Decor Station, 1st
£1.28, 1938 - Classic Rolling Stock from London Underground (2013) 1938 - Classic Rolling Stock, £1.28
£1.28, 1999 - Jubilee Line at Canary Wharf from London Underground (2013) 1999 - Jubilee Line at Canary Wharf, £1.28
1st, London Underground Posters - Golders Green, By Underground to fresh air and Summer sales from London Underground (2013) London Underground Posters - Golders Green, By Underground to fresh air and Summer sales, 1st
77p, Lomdon Underground Posters - For the Zoo, Power and The seen from London Underground (2013) Lomdon Underground Posters - For the Zoo, Power and The seen, 77p
87p, London Underground Posters - A train every 90 seconds, Thanks to the Underground and Cut travelling time from London Underground (2013) London Underground Posters - A train every 90 seconds, Thanks to the Underground and Cut travelling time, 87p
£1.28, London Underground Posters - The London Transport Collection, London Zoo and the Tate Gallery by Tube from London Underground (2013) London Underground Posters - The London Transport Collection, London Zoo and the Tate Gallery by Tube, £1.28
First Day Cover London Underground - (2013) London Underground London Underground
London Underground - (2013) London Underground London Underground
Miniature Sheet London Underground - (2013) London Underground London Underground
Presentation Pack London Underground - (2013) London Underground London Underground, Pack 480
London Underground - (2013) London Underground London Underground, Pack 480
PHQ Cards London Underground
Retail Stamp Book London Underground - (2013) London Underground London Underground

Year of the Snake

2013 (February 7 2013)

Generic Sheet Year of the Snake - (2013) Lunar New Year - Year of the Snake Lunar New Year - Year of the Snake

Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large

2013 (February 20 2013)

Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large 2nd Stamp (2013) 2nd Class Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large 2nd Large Stamp (2013) 2nd Class Large
Stamp 2nd, 2nd Class from Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large (2013) 2nd Class, 2nd
2nd Large, 2nd Class Large from Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large (2013) 2nd Class Large, 2nd Large
First Day Cover Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large - (2013) Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large
Presentation Pack Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large - (2013) Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large Post & Go - 2nd Class & 2nd Class Large, Pack P&G 10

Jane Austen

The six stamp set, issued on 21 February 2013, commemorates the work of one of Britain’s most celebrated authors, and coincides with the 200th anniversary of the publication of her most famous novel, Pride and Prejudice.
2013 (February 21 2013)

Collect GB Stamps Jane Austen at Royal Mail

Jane Austen 1st Stamp (2013) Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen 1st Stamp (2013) Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 77p Stamp (2013) Mansfield Park
Jane Austen 77p Stamp (2013) Emma Jane Austen £1.28 Stamp (2013) Northanger Abbey Jane Austen £1.28 Stamp (2013) Persuasion
Stamp 1st, Sense and Sensibility from Jane Austen (2013) Sense and Sensibility, 1st
1st, Pride and Prejudice from Jane Austen (2013) Pride and Prejudice, 1st
77p, Mansfield Park from Jane Austen (2013) Mansfield Park, 77p
77p, Emma from Jane Austen (2013) Emma, 77p
£1.28, Northanger Abbey from Jane Austen (2013) Northanger Abbey, £1.28
£1.28, Persuasion from Jane Austen (2013) Persuasion, £1.28
First Day Cover Jane Austen - (2013) Jane Austen Jane Austen
Presentation Pack Jane Austen - (2013) Jane Austen Jane Austen, Pack 481
PHQ Cards Jane Austen

Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1

2013 (February 22 2013)

Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 1st Stamp (2013) Lesser Silver Water Beetle Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 1st Stamp (2013) Three-spined Stickleback Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 1st Stamp (2013) Smooth Newt
Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 1st Stamp (2013) Fairy Shrimp Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 1st Stamp (2013) Emperor Dragonfly Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 1st Stamp (2013) Glutinous Snail
Stamp 1st, Lesser Silver Water Beetle from Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 (2013) Lesser Silver Water Beetle, 1st
1st, Three-spined Stickleback from Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 (2013) Three-spined Stickleback, 1st
1st, Smooth Newt from Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 (2013) Smooth Newt, 1st
1st, Fairy Shrimp from Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 (2013) Fairy Shrimp, 1st
1st, Emperor Dragonfly from Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 (2013) Emperor Dragonfly, 1st
1st, Glutinous Snail from Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 (2013) Glutinous Snail, 1st
First Day Cover Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 - (2013) Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1
Presentation Pack Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 - (2013) Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1 Post & Go: Ponds - Freshwater Life 1, Pack P&G 11

Doctor Who

Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who
2013 (March 26 2013)

Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) William Hartnell Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Patrick Troughton Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Jon Pertwee Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Tom Baker
Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Peter Davison Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Colin Baker Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Sylvester McCoy Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Paul McGann
Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Christopher Eccleston Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) David Tennant Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) Matt Smith
Doctor Who 2nd Stamp (2013) Dalek Doctor Who 2nd Stamp (2013) The Ood Doctor Who 2nd Stamp (2013) Weeping Angel Doctor Who 2nd Stamp (2013) Cybermen
Doctor Who 1st Stamp (2013) TARDIS
Stamp 1st, William Hartnell from Doctor Who (2013) William Hartnell, 1st
1st, Patrick Troughton from Doctor Who (2013) Patrick Troughton, 1st
1st, Jon Pertwee from Doctor Who (2013) Jon Pertwee, 1st
1st, Tom Baker from Doctor Who (2013) Tom Baker, 1st
1st, Peter Davison from Doctor Who (2013) Peter Davison, 1st
1st, Colin Baker from Doctor Who (2013) Colin Baker, 1st
1st, Sylvester McCoy from Doctor Who (2013) Sylvester McCoy, 1st
1st, Paul McGann from Doctor Who (2013) Paul McGann, 1st
1st, Christopher Eccleston from Doctor Who (2013) Christopher Eccleston, 1st
1st, David Tennant from Doctor Who (2013) David Tennant, 1st
1st, Matt Smith from Doctor Who (2013) Matt Smith, 1st
2nd, Dalek from Doctor Who (2013) Dalek, 2nd
2nd, The Ood from Doctor Who (2013) The Ood, 2nd
2nd, Weeping Angel from Doctor Who (2013) Weeping Angel, 2nd
2nd, Cybermen from Doctor Who (2013) Cybermen, 2nd
1st, TARDIS from Doctor Who (2013) TARDIS, 1st
First Day Cover Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who
Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who
Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who
Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who
Miniature Sheet Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who
Presentation Pack Doctor Who - (2013) Doctor Who Doctor Who, Pack 482
Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who, Pack 482
Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who, Pack 482
Presentation Pack Inner Doctor Who - (2013) Doctor Who Doctor Who
Generic Sheet Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who
PHQ Cards Doctor Who
Prestige Stamp Book Doctor Who - (2013) Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who Classic TV - 50 Years of Doctor Who
Retail Stamp Book Doctor Who - (2013) Matt Smith and William Hartnell Matt Smith and William Hartnell

Country Definitives

2013 (March 27 2013)
Regional Definitive

Country Definitives 88p Stamp (2013) Wales Country Definitives 88p Stamp (2013) England Country Definitives 88p Stamp (2013) Scotland Country Definitives 88p Stamp (2013) Northern Ireland
Stamp 88p, Wales from Country Definitives (2013) Wales, 88p
88p, England from Country Definitives (2013) England, 88p
88p, Scotland from Country Definitives (2013) Scotland, 88p
88p, Northern Ireland from Country Definitives (2013) Northern Ireland, 88p
First Day Cover Country Definitives - (2013) Wales Wales
Country Definitives - (2013) England England
Country Definitives - (2013) Scotland Scotland
Country Definitives - (2013) Northern Ireland Northern Ireland
Presentation Pack Country Definitives - (2013) Country Definitives Country Definitives, Pack 98

New Definitives 2013

2013 (March 27 2013)
Machin Definitive

Collect GB Stamps Norphil Plilatelics

New Definitives 2013 78p Stamp (2013) 78p Orchid Mauve New Definitives 2013 88p Stamp (2013) 88p Amber Yellow New Definitives 2013 £1.88 Stamp (2013) £1.88 Sapphire Blue New Definitives 2013 1st Stamp (2013) 1st Signed For Flame with Yellow Flash New Definitives 2013 1st Large Stamp (2013) 1st Large Signed For Flame with Yellow Flash
Stamp 78p, 78p Orchid Mauve from New Definitives 2013 (2013) 78p Orchid Mauve, 78p
88p, 88p Amber Yellow from New Definitives 2013 (2013) 88p Amber Yellow, 88p
£1.88, £1.88 Sapphire Blue from New Definitives 2013 (2013) £1.88 Sapphire Blue, £1.88
1st, 1st Signed For Flame with Yellow Flash from New Definitives 2013 (2013) 1st Signed For Flame with Yellow Flash, 1st
1st Large, 1st Large Signed For Flame with Yellow Flash from New Definitives 2013 (2013) 1st Large Signed For Flame with Yellow Flash, 1st Large
First Day Cover New Definitives 2013 - (2013) New Definitives 2013 New Definitives 2013
Presentation Pack New Definitives 2013 - (2013) New Definitives 2013 New Definitives 2013, Pack 97
Poster New Definitives 2013 - (2013) New Definitives 2013 New Definitives 2013

Great Britons

The stamp issue celebrates individuals across sport, journalism, music, politics and the arts whose anniversaries of birth or outstanding achievement fall in 2013.
2013 (April 16 2013)

Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) Norman Parkinson (1913-1990) Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) Vivien Leigh (1913-1967) Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) Peter Cushing (1913-1994) Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) David Lloyd George (1863-1945) Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) Elizabeth David (1913-1992)
Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) John Archer (1863-1932) Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) Mary Leaky (1913-1996) Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) Bill Shankly (1913-1981) Great Britons 1st Stamp (2013) Richard Dimbleby (1913-1965)
Stamp 1st, Norman Parkinson (1913-1990) from Great Britons (2013) Norman Parkinson (1913-1990), 1st
1st, Vivien Leigh (1913-1967) from Great Britons (2013) Vivien Leigh (1913-1967), 1st
1st, Peter Cushing (1913-1994) from Great Britons (2013) Peter Cushing (1913-1994), 1st
1st, David Lloyd George (1863-1945) from Great Britons (2013) David Lloyd George (1863-1945), 1st
1st, Elizabeth David (1913-1992) from Great Britons (2013) Elizabeth David (1913-1992), 1st
1st, John Archer (1863-1932) from Great Britons (2013) John Archer (1863-1932), 1st
1st, Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) from Great Britons (2013) Benjamin Britten (1913-1976), 1st
1st, Mary Leaky (1913-1996) from Great Britons (2013) Mary Leaky (1913-1996), 1st
1st, Bill Shankly (1913-1981) from Great Britons (2013) Bill Shankly (1913-1981), 1st
1st, Richard Dimbleby (1913-1965) from Great Britons (2013) Richard Dimbleby (1913-1965), 1st
First Day Cover Great Britons - (2013) Great Britons Great Britons
Presentation Pack Great Britons - (2013) Great Britons Great Britons, Pack 483
Postmark Great Britons - (2013) Great Britons Great Britons
Great Britons - (2013) Great Britons Great Britons
PHQ Cards Great Britons
Poster Great Britons - (2013) Great Britons Great Britons

Royal Yacht Britannia

Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the launch of the Royal Yacht Britannia.
2013 (April 16 2013)

Collect GB Stamps Royal Yacht Britannia at Royal Mail

Commemorative Sheet Royal Yacht Britannia - (2013) Royal Yacht Britannia Royal Yacht Britannia

Bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone

The Scottish medical missionary and explorer David Livingstone (1813-1873) is considered to be one of the greatest heroes of the Victorian era. The sheet celebrates the bicentenary of his birth, Livingstone’s intrepid explorations of the African continent and his extensive writings.
2013 (May 1 2013)

Collect GB Stamps Bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone at Royal Mail

Commemorative Sheet Bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone - (2013) Bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone Bicentenary of the birth of David Livingstone

Football Heroes

The 11 1st Class stamps will feature individual footballers from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, all of whom were supremely gifted, talented players who stood out in their generation and beyond. The stamps have been illustrated by artist Andrew Kinsman, who took existing photography of all the players, then created a composite artwork, so when the 11 stamps are placed together, they form a traditional team shot. The eleven players selected were chosen for their outstanding record on the pitch and representation of their home countries. All are in the National Football Museum’s Hall of Fame.
2013 (May 9 2013)

Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) Gordon Banks Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) John Charles Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) John Barnes Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) George Best Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) Jimmy Greaves
Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) Bobby Moore Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) Dave Mackay Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) Bryan Robson Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) Denis Law Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) Bobby Charlton Football Heroes 1st Stamp (2013) Kevin Keagan
Stamp 1st, Gordon Banks from Football Heroes (2013) Gordon Banks, 1st
1st, Bobby Moore from Football Heroes (2013) Bobby Moore, 1st
1st, Dave Mackay from Football Heroes (2013) Dave Mackay, 1st
1st, John Charles from Football Heroes (2013) John Charles, 1st
1st, Bryan Robson from Football Heroes (2013) Bryan Robson, 1st
1st, Denis Law from Football Heroes (2013) Denis Law, 1st
1st, Bobby Charlton from Football Heroes (2013) Bobby Charlton, 1st
1st, John Barnes from Football Heroes (2013) John Barnes, 1st
1st, George Best from Football Heroes (2013) George Best, 1st
1st, Jimmy Greaves from Football Heroes (2013) Jimmy Greaves, 1st
1st, Kevin Keagan from Football Heroes (2013) Kevin Keagan, 1st
First Day Cover Football Heroes - (2013) Football Heroes Football Heroes
Football Heroes - (2013) Football Heroes Football Heroes
Football Heroes - (2013) Football Heroes Football Heroes
Miniature Sheet Football Heroes - (2013) Football Heroes Football Heroes
Presentation Pack Football Heroes - (2013) Football Heroes Football Heroes, Pack 484
PHQ Cards Football Heroes
Prestige Stamp Book Football Heroes - (2013) Football Heroes Football Heroes
Poster Football Heroes - (2013) Football Heroes Football Heroes
Retail Stamp Book Football Heroes - (2013) George Best and Bobby Moore George Best and Bobby Moore
Football Heroes - (2013) John Charles and Dave Mackay John Charles and Dave Mackay

Australia Stamp Expo

2013 (May 10 2013)

Generic Sheet Australia Stamp Expo - (2013) Exhibition sheet - Australia 2013 in Melbourne Exhibition sheet - Australia 2013 in Melbourne

Royal Portraits

2013 (May 30 2013)

Collect GB Stamps Her Majestry The Queen at Atelier Works

Royal Portraits 2nd Stamp (2013) Study for The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II by Terence Cuneo 1953 Royal Portraits 78p Stamp (2013) Portrait by Andrew Festing 1999 Royal Portraits 88p Stamp (2013) Portrait by Pietro Annigoni 1955
Royal Portraits £1.28 Stamp (2013) Portrait by Sergei Pavlenko 2000 Royal Portraits £1.88 Stamp (2013) Portrait by Richard Stone 1992 Royal Portraits 1st Stamp (2013) Portrait commissioned by Royal Mail
Stamp 2nd, Study for The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II by Terence Cuneo 1953 from Royal Portraits (2013) Study for The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II by Terence Cuneo 1953, 2nd
78p, Portrait by Andrew Festing 1999 from Royal Portraits (2013) Portrait by Andrew Festing 1999, 78p
88p, Portrait by Pietro Annigoni 1955 from Royal Portraits (2013) Portrait by Pietro Annigoni 1955, 88p
£1.28, Portrait by Sergei Pavlenko 2000 from Royal Portraits (2013) Portrait by Sergei Pavlenko 2000, £1.28
£1.88, Portrait by Richard Stone 1992 from Royal Portraits (2013) Portrait by Richard Stone 1992, £1.88
1st, Portrait commissioned by Royal Mail from Royal Portraits (2013) Portrait commissioned by Royal Mail, 1st
First Day Cover Royal Portraits - (2013) Royal Portraits Royal Portraits
Presentation Pack Royal Portraits - (2013) Royal Portraits Royal Portraits, Pack 485
PHQ Cards Royal Portraits
Philatelic Numismatic Cover Royal Portraits - (2013) Royal Portraits Royal Portraits

Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland

2013 (June 18 2013)

Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland 1st Stamp (2013) Ulster Transport Authority W Class No. 103 Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland 78p Stamp (2013) Ulster Transport Authority SG3 Class No. 35 Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland 88p Stamp (2013) Peckett No. 2 Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland £1.28 Stamp (2013) CDRJC Class 5 No. 4
Souvenir Cover Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland - (2013) Great British Steam Engines Nameplate Cover - Duchess of Sutherland Great British Steam Engines Nameplate Cover - Duchess of Sutherland
Stamp 1st, Ulster Transport Authority W Class No. 103 from Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland (2013) Ulster Transport Authority W Class No. 103, 1st
78p, Ulster Transport Authority SG3 Class No. 35 from Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland (2013) Ulster Transport Authority SG3 Class No. 35, 78p
88p, Peckett No. 2 from Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland (2013) Peckett No. 2, 88p
£1.28, CDRJC Class 5 No. 4 from Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland (2013) CDRJC Class 5 No. 4, £1.28
First Day Cover Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland - (2013) Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland
Miniature Sheet Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland - (2013) Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland
Presentation Pack Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland - (2013) Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland, Pack 486
Presentation Pack Inner Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland - (2013) Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland
PHQ Cards Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland
Retail Stamp Book Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland - (2013) Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland Classic Locomotives of Northern Ireland

Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2

2013 (June 25 2013)

Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 1st Stamp (2013) Perch Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 1st Stamp (2013) European Eel Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 1st Stamp (2013) Crucian Carp
Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 1st Stamp (2013) Cadis-fly Larva Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 1st Stamp (2013) Arctic Char Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 1st Stamp (2013) Common Toad
Stamp 1st, Perch from Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 (2013) Perch, 1st
1st, European Eel from Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 (2013) European Eel, 1st
1st, Crucian Carp from Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 (2013) Crucian Carp, 1st
1st, Cadis-fly Larva from Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 (2013) Cadis-fly Larva, 1st
1st, Arctic Char from Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 (2013) Arctic Char, 1st
1st, Common Toad from Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 (2013) Common Toad, 1st
First Day Cover Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 - (2013) Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2
Presentation Pack Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 - (2013) Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2, Pack P&G 12
Poster Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 - (2013) Post   Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 Post Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2
Post & Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 - (2013) Post   Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2 Post Go: Lakes - Freshwater Life 2


2013 (July 11 2013)

Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Comma Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Orange Tip Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Small Copper Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Chalkhill Blue Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Swallowtail
Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Purple Emperor Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Marsh Fritillary Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Brimstone Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Red Admiral Butterflies 1st Stamp (2013) Marbled White
Stamp 1st, Comma from Butterflies (2013) Comma, 1st
1st, Orange Tip from Butterflies (2013) Orange Tip, 1st
1st, Small Copper from Butterflies (2013) Small Copper, 1st
1st, Chalkhill Blue from Butterflies (2013) Chalkhill Blue, 1st
1st, Swallowtail from Butterflies (2013) Swallowtail, 1st
1st, Purple Emperor from Butterflies (2013) Purple Emperor, 1st
1st, Marsh Fritillary from Butterflies (2013) Marsh Fritillary, 1st
1st, Brimstone from Butterflies (2013) Brimstone, 1st
1st, Red Admiral from Butterflies (2013) Red Admiral, 1st
1st, Marbled White from Butterflies (2013) Marbled White, 1st
First Day Cover Butterflies - (2013) Butterflies Butterflies
Presentation Pack Butterflies - (2013) Butterflies Butterflies, Pack 487
PHQ Cards Butterflies
Retail Stamp Book Butterflies - (2013) Chalkhill Blue and Comma Chalkhill Blue and Comma

Thailand 2013 World Stamp Show

2013 (August 2 2013)

Generic Sheet Thailand 2013 World Stamp Show - (2013) Bangkok World Stamp Exhibition Bangkok World Stamp Exhibition

Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013

This issue celebrates Murray’s fantastic achievement in becoming the first Briton to win the Gentlemen’s Championship in 77 years. He beat number one seed Novak Djokovic in three straight sets. Fred Perry was the last Briton to win the Gentlemen’s Singles title, in 1936.
2013 (August 8 2013)

Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 1st Stamp (2013) Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 1st Stamp (2013) Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 1st Stamp (2013) Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 1st Stamp (2013) Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion
Stamp 1st, Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion from Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 (2013) Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion, 1st
1st, Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion from Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 (2013) Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion, 1st
1st, Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion from Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 (2013) Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion, 1st
1st, Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion from Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 (2013) Andy Murray Wimbledon Champion, 1st
First Day Cover Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 - (2013) Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013
Miniature Sheet Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 - (2013) Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013
Presentation Pack Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 - (2013) Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013, Pack M21
Presentation Pack Inner Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 - (2013) Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013 Andy Murray - Gentlemen's Singles Champion Wimbledon 2013

British Auto Legends

2013 (August 13 2013)

British Auto Legends 1st Stamp (2013) Jaguar E-Type, 1961 British Auto Legends 1st Stamp (2013) Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow, 1965 British Auto Legends 1st Stamp (2013) Aston Martin DB5, 1963
British Auto Legends £1.28 Stamp (2013) MG MGB, 1962 British Auto Legends £1.28 Stamp (2013) Morgan Plus 8, 1968 British Auto Legends £1.28 Stamp (2013) Lotus Esprit, 1976
British Auto Legends 1st Stamp (2013) Morris Minor Van British Auto Legends 1st Stamp (2013) Austin FX4 British Auto Legends 1st Stamp (2013) Ford Anglia 105E British Auto Legends 1st Stamp (2013) Land Rover Defender 110
Stamp 1st, Jaguar E-Type, 1961 from British Auto Legends (2013) Jaguar E-Type, 1961, 1st
1st, Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow, 1965 from British Auto Legends (2013) Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow, 1965, 1st
1st, Aston Martin DB5, 1963 from British Auto Legends (2013) Aston Martin DB5, 1963, 1st
£1.28, MG MGB, 1962 from British Auto Legends (2013) MG MGB, 1962, £1.28
£1.28, Morgan Plus 8, 1968 from British Auto Legends (2013) Morgan Plus 8, 1968, £1.28
£1.28, Lotus Esprit, 1976 from British Auto Legends (2013) Lotus Esprit, 1976, £1.28
1st, Morris Minor Van from British Auto Legends (2013) Morris Minor Van, 1st
1st, Austin FX4 from British Auto Legends (2013) Austin FX4, 1st
1st, Ford Anglia 105E from British Auto Legends (2013) Ford Anglia 105E, 1st
1st, Land Rover Defender 110 from British Auto Legends (2013) Land Rover Defender 110, 1st
First Day Cover British Auto Legends - (2013) British Auto Legends British Auto Legends
British Auto Legends - (2013) British Auto Legends British Auto Legends
Miniature Sheet British Auto Legends - (2013) British Auto Legends British Auto Legends
Presentation Pack British Auto Legends - (2013) British Auto Legends British Auto Legends, Pack 488
British Auto Legends - (2013) British Auto Legends British Auto Legends, Pack 488
Presentation Pack Inner British Auto Legends - (2013) British Auto Legends British Auto Legends
PHQ Cards British Auto Legends

150th Birth Anniversary of Bertram Mackennal

The Mackennal range shows the famous Seahorses stamp design, first issued by the Post Office on 30 June 1913. The design was seen as rather cutting-edge for introducing an image next to the monarchs head. The Mackennal profile also replaced the three-quarter-view head of George, created by court photographers W & D Downey.
2013 (September 19 2013)

Facsimile Pack 150th Birth Anniversary of Bertram Mackennal - (2013) 1913 Seahorses Facsimile Pack 1913 Seahorses Facsimile Pack
Commemorative Sheet 150th Birth Anniversary of Bertram Mackennal - (2013) 150th Birth Anniversary of Bertram Mackennal 150th Birth Anniversary of Bertram Mackennal

Merchant Navy

2013 (September 19 2013)

Merchant Navy 1st Stamp (2013) East Indiaman Atlas 1813 Merchant Navy 1st Stamp (2013) Royal Mail Ship Britannia 1840 Merchant Navy 1st Stamp (2013) Tea Clipper Cutty Sark 1870
Merchant Navy £1.28 Stamp (2013) Cargo Liner Clan Matheson 1919 Merchant Navy £1.28 Stamp (2013) Bulk Carrier Lord Hinton 1986 Merchant Navy £1.28 Stamp (2013) Royal Mail Ship Queen Elizabeth 1940
Merchant Navy 1st Stamp (2013) Escorting HMS Vanoc Merchant Navy 1st Stamp (2013) Merchant Ship in Thames Estuary Merchant Navy 1st Stamp (2013) Clearing the decks of HMS George V Merchant Navy 1st Stamp (2013) Merchant convoy in North Sea
Stamp 1st, East Indiaman Atlas 1813 from Merchant Navy (2013) East Indiaman Atlas 1813, 1st
1st, Royal Mail Ship Britannia 1840 from Merchant Navy (2013) Royal Mail Ship Britannia 1840, 1st
1st, Tea Clipper Cutty Sark 1870 from Merchant Navy (2013) Tea Clipper Cutty Sark 1870, 1st
£1.28, Cargo Liner Clan Matheson 1919 from Merchant Navy (2013) Cargo Liner Clan Matheson 1919, £1.28
£1.28, Bulk Carrier Lord Hinton 1986 from Merchant Navy (2013) Bulk Carrier Lord Hinton 1986, £1.28
£1.28, Royal Mail Ship Queen Elizabeth 1940 from Merchant Navy (2013) Royal Mail Ship Queen Elizabeth 1940, £1.28
1st, Escorting HMS Vanoc from Merchant Navy (2013) Escorting HMS Vanoc, 1st
1st, Merchant Ship in Thames Estuary from Merchant Navy (2013) Merchant Ship in Thames Estuary, 1st
1st, Clearing the decks of HMS George V from Merchant Navy (2013) Clearing the decks of HMS George V, 1st
1st, Merchant convoy in North Sea from Merchant Navy (2013) Merchant convoy in North Sea, 1st
First Day Cover Merchant Navy - (2013) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy
Merchant Navy - (2013) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy
Merchant Navy - (2013) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy
Miniature Sheet Merchant Navy - (2013) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy
Presentation Pack Merchant Navy - (2013) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy, Pack 489
Merchant Navy - (2013) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy, Pack 489
Presentation Pack Inner Merchant Navy - (2013) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy
PHQ Cards Merchant Navy
Prestige Stamp Book Merchant Navy - (2013) Merchant Navy Merchant Navy
Retail Stamp Book Merchant Navy - (2013) Morris Minor Van and Royal Mail Ship Britannia, 1840 Morris Minor Van and Royal Mail Ship Britannia, 1840

Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3

2013 (September 20 2013)

Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 1st Stamp (2013) Minnow Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 1st Stamp (2013) Atlantic Salmon Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 1st Stamp (2013) White-clawed Crayfish
Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 1st Stamp (2013) River Lamprey Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 1st Stamp (2013) Blue-winged Olive Mayfly Larva Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 1st Stamp (2013) Brown Trout
Stamp 1st, Minnow from Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 (2013) Minnow, 1st
1st, Atlantic Salmon from Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 (2013) Atlantic Salmon, 1st
1st, White-clawed Crayfish from Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 (2013) White-clawed Crayfish, 1st
1st, River Lamprey from Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 (2013) River Lamprey, 1st
1st, Blue-winged Olive Mayfly Larva from Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 (2013) Blue-winged Olive Mayfly Larva, 1st
1st, Brown Trout from Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 (2013) Brown Trout, 1st
First Day Cover Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 - (2013) Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3
Presentation Pack Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 - (2013) Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3 Post & Go: River Life - Freshwater Life 3, Pack P&G 13


This set was originally scheduled to be issued in 2012.
2013 (October 10 2013)

Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Polacanthus Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Ichthyosaurus Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Iguanodon Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Ornithocheirus Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Baryonyx
Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Dimorphodon Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Hypsilophodon Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Cetiosaurus Dinosaurs 1st Stamp (2013) Megalosaurus Dinosaurs  Stamp (2013) Plesiosaurus
Stamp 1st, Polacanthus from Dinosaurs (2013) Polacanthus, 1st
1st, Ichthyosaurus from Dinosaurs (2013) Ichthyosaurus, 1st
1st, Iguanodon from Dinosaurs (2013) Iguanodon, 1st
1st, Ornithocheirus from Dinosaurs (2013) Ornithocheirus, 1st
1st, Baryonyx from Dinosaurs (2013) Baryonyx, 1st
1st, Dimorphodon from Dinosaurs (2013) Dimorphodon, 1st
1st, Hypsilophodon from Dinosaurs (2013) Hypsilophodon, 1st
1st, Cetiosaurus from Dinosaurs (2013) Cetiosaurus, 1st
1st, Megalosaurus  from Dinosaurs (2013) Megalosaurus , 1st
, Plesiosaurus  from Dinosaurs (2013) Plesiosaurus
First Day Cover Dinosaurs - (2013) Dinosaurs Dinosaurs
Presentation Pack Dinosaurs - (2013) Dinosaurs Dinosaurs, Pack 490
Postmark Dinosaurs - (2013) Dinosaurs Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs - (2013) Dinosaurs Dinosaurs
PHQ Cards Dinosaurs

Christmas 2013

2013 (November 5 2013)

Christmas 2013 1st Stamp (2013) Virgin and Child with young St John the Baptist Christmas 2013 1st Large Stamp (2013) Virgin and Child with young St John the Baptist Christmas 2013 2nd Stamp (2013) Madonna and Child Christmas 2013 2nd Large Stamp (2013) Madonna and Child Christmas 2013 88p Stamp (2013) Praying to the Virgin for an End to the Plague Christmas 2013 £1.28 Stamp (2013) La Vierge au Lys Christmas 2013 £1.88 Stamp (2013) Theotokos, Mother of God
Stamp 1st, Virgin and Child with young St John the Baptist from Christmas 2013 (2013) Virgin and Child with young St John the Baptist, 1st
1st Large, Virgin and Child with young St John the Baptist from Christmas 2013 (2013) Virgin and Child with young St John the Baptist, 1st Large
2nd, Madonna and Child from Christmas 2013 (2013) Madonna and Child, 2nd
2nd Large, Madonna and Child from Christmas 2013 (2013) Madonna and Child, 2nd Large
88p, Praying to the Virgin for an End to the Plague from Christmas 2013 (2013) Praying to the Virgin for an End to the Plague, 88p
£1.28, La Vierge au Lys from Christmas 2013 (2013) La Vierge au Lys, £1.28
£1.88, Theotokos, Mother of God from Christmas 2013 (2013) Theotokos, Mother of God, £1.88
First Day Cover Christmas 2013 - (2013) Christmas 2013 Christmas 2013
Christmas 2013 - (2013) Christmas Christmas
Miniature Sheet Christmas 2013 - (2013) Christmas Christmas
Presentation Pack Christmas 2013 - (2013) Christmas 2013 Christmas 2013, Pack 491
Postmark Christmas 2013 - (2013) Christmas Christmas
Christmas 2013 - (2013) Christmas Christmas
Generic Sheet Christmas 2013 - (2013) Christmas 2013 Christmas 2013
PHQ Cards Christmas 2013
Poster Christmas 2013 - (2013) Christmas 2013 Christmas 2013

Children's Christmas

2013 (November 5 2013)

Children's Christmas 1st Stamp (2013) Molly Robson, Age 7 Children's Christmas 2nd Stamp (2013) Rosie hargreaves, Age 10
Stamp 1st, Molly Robson, Age 7 from Children's Christmas (2013) Molly Robson, Age 7, 1st
2nd, Rosie hargreaves, Age 10 from Children's Christmas (2013) Rosie hargreaves, Age 10, 2nd
First Day Cover Children's Christmas - (2013) Children's Christmas Children's Christmas
Presentation Pack Children's Christmas - (2013) Children's Christmas Children's Christmas, Pack M22

Doctor Who - 50 Years

2013 (November 23 2013)

Souvenir Cover Doctor Who - 50 Years - (2013) Doctor Who - 50 Years Doctor Who - 50 Years

Lunar New Year - Year of The Horse

To mark the Lunar New Year, the Year of the Horse, Royal Mail has issued a limited-edition stamp sheet available in selected Post Offices across the UK. Twenty First Class fireworks stamps feature alongside labels of intricate designs and iconic imagery relevant to the Lunar New Year.
2013 (December 10 2013)

Generic Sheet Lunar New Year - Year of The Horse - (2013) Year of The Horse Year of The Horse

Publications 2013

2013 (December 31 2013)

Calendar Publications 2013 - (2013) Mini Stamp Calendar 2013 Mini Stamp Calendar 2013

Collections 2013

2013 (December 31 2013)

Miniature Sheet Pack  Collections 2013 - (2013) Miniature Sheets 2013 Miniature Sheets 2013
Year Book  Collections 2013 - (2013) Year Book 2013 Year Book 2013
Year Pack  Collections 2013 - (2013) Year Pack 2013 Year Pack 2013

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