
1s3d, Norman Horsemen attacking Harold's Troops from 900th Anniversary of Battle of Hastings (1966)
Norman Horsemen attacking Harold's Troops, 1s3d
October 14 1966
900th Anniversary of Battle of Hastings (81)
SR N6 Hovercraft, 1s3d
September 19 1966
British Technology (80)
1s3d, Goalkeeper saving Goal from World Cup Football Championship (1966)
Goalkeeper saving Goal, 1s3d
June 1 1966
World Cup Football Championship (77)
Harlech Castle, Wales, 1s3d
May 2 1966
Landscapes (76)
1s3d, Robert Burns (after Nasnyth portrait) from Burns Commemoration (1966)
Robert Burns (after Nasnyth portrait), 1s3d
January 25 1966
Burns Commemoration (74)
1s3d, Tower and Nash Terrace, Regent's Park from Opening of Post Office Tower (1965)
Tower and Nash Terrace, Regent's Park, 1s3d
October 8 1965
Opening of Post Office Tower (71)
1s3d, Air Battle over St Paul's Cathedral from 25th Anniversary of Battle of Britain (1965)
Air Battle over St Paul's Cathedral, 1s3d
September 13 1965
25th Anniversary of Battle of Britain (70)
1s3d, Sir Winston Churchill from Churchill (1965)
Sir Winston Churchill, 1s3d
July 8 1965
Churchill (65)
1s3d, Fringed Water Lily from Tenth International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh (1964)
Fringed Water Lily, 1s3d
August 5 1964
Tenth International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh (63)
1s3d, Balcony Scene (Romeo and Juliet) from Shakespeare Festival (1964)
Balcony Scene (Romeo and Juliet), 1s3d
April 23 1964
Shakespeare Festival (61)
Red Cross, 1s3d
August 15 1963
Red Cross Centenary Congress (59)
Children of Three Races, 1s3d
March 21 1963
Freedom from Hunger Campaign (55)
'Unified Productivity', 1s3d
November 14 1962
National Productivity Year (54)
Palace of Westminster, 1s3d
September 25 1961
Seventh Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (53)
Posthorn of 1660, 1s3d
July 7 1960
Tercentenary of Establishment of 'General Letter Office' (49)
1s3d, Green from Wilding Definitive (1960)
Green, 1s3d
January 1 1960
Wilding Definitive (288)
1s3d, green from Regional Definitive - Wales 1958 - 1967 (1958)
green, 1s3d
December 31 1958
Regional Definitive - Wales 1958 - 1967 (531)
1s3d, Green from Regional Wilding Definitive - Scotland (1958)
Green, 1s3d
September 29 1958
Regional Wilding Definitive - Scotland (22568)
1s3d, Green from Regional Wilding Definitive - Wales (1958)
Green, 1s3d
September 29 1958
Regional Wilding Definitive - Wales (22845)
1s3d, Green from Regiona Wilding Definitive - Northern Ireland (1958)
Green, 1s3d
September 29 1958
Regiona Wilding Definitive - Northern Ireland (22847)
1s3d, Welsh Dragon from Sixth British Empire and Commonwealth Games, Cardiff (1958)
Welsh Dragon, 1s3d
July 18 1958
Sixth British Empire and Commonwealth Games, Cardiff (414)
Globe with a Compass, 1s3d
August 1 1957
World Scout Jubilee Jamboree (412)
1s3d, green from Wilding Definitive (1953)
green, 1s3d
November 2 1953
Wilding Definitive (22851)
Queen Elizabeth II, 1s3d
June 3 1953
Coronation (411)

24 records.