Found 11 items

First Day Cover

Regional Definitive - Wales 1978
Regional Definitive - Wales
January 18 1978
Regional Definitive - Scotland 1978
Regional Definitive - Scotland
January 18 1978
Regional Definitive - Northern Ireland 1978
Regional Definitive - Northern Ireland
January 18 1978
Energy 1978
Energy 1978
January 25 1978
Energy Resources
British Architecture (Historic Buildings) 1978
British Architecture (Historic Buildings)
March 1 1978
Historic Buildings Miniature Sheet
British Architecture (Historic Buildings) 1978
British Architecture (Historic Buildings) 1978
British Architecture (Historic Buildings)
March 1 1978
Historic Buildings
Definitive 1978
April 26 1978
25th Anniversary of Coronation 1978
25th Anniversary of Coronation 1978
25th Anniversary of Coronation
May 31 1978
Horses 1978
Horses 1978
July 5 1978
Cycling 1978
Cycling 1978
August 2 1978
Christmas 1978 1978
Christmas 1978 1978
Christmas 1978
November 22 1978