The fearsome black-armoured figure of Darth Vader emerged when Anakin Skywalker fell to the dark side of the Force and fought his own Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the volcanic planet Mustafar.
DARTH VADER (played by David Prowse, voiced by James Earl Jones) Darth Vader was once a Jedi Knight but was seduced to the dark side of the Force and became a Sith Lord. Vader served the Emperor for many years until, just moments before his death, he realised the terrible tragedy of his life.
The wise and powerful Jedi Master Yoda presided over the Jedi High Council before the dark days of the Empire. His origins, even his species, are shrouded in mystery, though it is known that he trained Jedi for more than 800 years.
YODA (voiced by Frank Oz) Small in size but supremely powerful in the Force, Jedi Master Yoda trained many Jedi Knights, including Luke Skywalker. In addition, he served as a member of the Jedi Council, using his vast wisdom to fight the Empire
Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi trained the young Anakin Skywalker and served alongside him in the Clone Wars against the emerging Empire. Unfortunately, he was unable to prevent Anakin’s fall to the dark side.
OBI-WAN KENOBI (played by Alec Guinness) A Jedi Master of great skill and bravery, Obi-Wan Kenobi trained Anakin Skywalker and was one of the few to escape Anakin’s purge of the Jedi Order. He initiated Luke Skywalker into the ways of the Force.
White-armoured Stormtroopers were the feared soldiers of the Empire, used to subdue populations across the galaxy and charged with seeking out and defeating any suspected Rebel fighters.
STORMTROOPER The white-armoured soldiers and shock troops of the Empire, stormtroopers were originally clones of the legendary warrior named Jango Fett. Non-clone recruits swelled their numbers during the days of the Empire.
A long-time smuggler and rogue, Han Solo fell in with the Rebel Alliance after meeting Luke and Leia Skywalker. His legendary piloting skills in his ship the Millennium Falcon played a pivotal role in battles against the evil Galactic Empire
HAN SOLO (played by Harrison Ford) A smuggler by trade, Han Solo lived on his wits until he met Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa and was persuaded to join the Rebel Alliance, taking part in some of its finest battles against the Empire.
Three decades after the Battle of Endor, Rey makes a living by scavenging on the desert planet Jakku. However, she soon finds herself catapulted into the heart of a new crisis in the galaxy.
REY (played by Daisy Ridley) Three decades after the Battle of Endor, Rey makes a living by scavenging on the desert planet Jakku. However, she soon finds herself catapulted into the heart of a new crisis in the galaxy.
Twin sister of Luke Skywalker, Leia escaped detection by her father, Darth Vader, and became the leader of the Rebel Alliance, which eventually brought about the destruction of the Empire.
PRINCESS LEIA (played by Carrie Fisher) Adopted as a baby, Princess Leia became a senator for Alderaan and leader of the Rebel Alliance. She was fiercely devoted to the Rebel cause, and her resolve became even stronger when the Empire destroyed her home planet.
The Emperor was a Sith Lord, a user of the deadly dark side of the Force, who ruled the galaxy with an iron hand. For a long time, as Senator of Naboo and then Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, he escaped all suspicion; even the Jedi were blinded by his deception.
THE EMPEROR (played by Ian McDiarmid) At first, Palpatine appeared to be a kindly politician, but his secret identity as a deadly Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, was finally revealed when he took control of the galaxy and began to rule it as the Emperor.
Luke Skywalker’s uncle and aunt raised him on the desolate and remote planet Tatooine. When it was discovered that a droid bought by Luke’s uncle contained a message from Princess Leia, Luke embarked on a journey into a new, exciting world.
LUKE SKYWALKER (played by Mark Hamill) The son of Anakin Skywalker, Luke was hidden from his father on Tatooine until he met Obi-Wan Kenobi and learned the ways of the Jedi, joining the Rebellion and playing a key part in the fight against the Empire.
With a reputation as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, Boba Fett got paid handsomely to track down – and, often, kill – wanted individuals. Encased in battered Mandalorian armour, bristling with secret weapons and a jet pack, Fett always brought in his bounty.
BOBA FETT A genetic clone of his father, Jango Fett, and one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy, the legendary Boba Fett worked for many paymasters, including the Empire and various clients in the criminal underworld.
Finn was a Stormtrooper in the forces of the First Order until he got stranded on the planet Jakku. There, an unlikely alliance with local scavenger Rey starts a chain of events that will affect the fate of the entire galaxy.
FINN (played by John Boyega) Finn was a stormtrooper in the forces of the First Order until he got stranded on the planet Jakku. There, an unlikely alliance with local scavenger Rey starts a chain of events that will affect the fate of the entire galaxy.
As the First Order emerges from the remnants of the defeated Empire, Kylo Ren becomes a new symbol of terror, with his dark hood and cloak and his mastery of a new kind of lightsaber with three red blades.
KYLO REN (played by Adam Driver) As the First Order emerges from the remnants of the defeated Empire, Kylo Ren becomes a new symbol of terror, with his dark hood and cloak and his mastery of a new kind of lightsaber with three red blades
X-WING STARFIGHTER This versatile and nimble Incom T-65 X-wing starfighter was used by the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Empire. It was co-piloted by an astromech droid and armed with laser cannons and proton torpedo launchers, balancing speed with firepower.
Available exclusively at the Star Wars Celebration 2016 event at the ExCel Center, London on July 15 2016. One of three limited edition, gatefold, embossed packs containing stamps from the 2015 Star Wars issue. Features BB8 on the cover and R2D2 inside.
Available exclusively at the Star Wars Celebration 2016 event at the ExCel Center, London on July 16 2016. One of three limited edition, gatefold, embossed packs containing stamps from the 2015 Star Wars issue. Features the Millenium Falcon on the cover and Tie Fighters inside with the miniature sheet.
Available exclusively at the Star Wars Celebration 2016 event at the ExCel Center, London on July 17 2016. One of three limited edition, gatefold, embossed packs containing stamps from the 2015 Star Wars issue. Features a Storm Trooper on the cover and Chewbacca inside with the miniature sheet and full set of stamps.