Presentation Pack

 The Golden Wedding Anniversary 1947-1997 - (1997)  The Golden Wedding Anniversary 1947-1997

 The Golden Wedding Anniversary 1947-1997 - (1997)  The Golden Wedding Anniversary 1947-1997
The Golden Wedding Anniversary 1947-1997
November 13 1997
Pack 281
The Golden Wedding Anniversary 1947-1997 (223)
Christmas 1997 - (1997) Christmas 1997

Christmas 1997 - (1997) Christmas 1997
Christmas 1997
October 27 1997
Pack 282
Christmas 1997 (222)
Enid Blyton - (1997) Enid Blyton

Enid Blyton - (1997) Enid Blyton
Enid Blyton
September 9 1997
Pack 280
Enid Blyton (221)
Post Offices - (1997) Post Offices

Post Offices - (1997) Post Offices
Post Offices
August 12 1997
Pack 279
Post Offices (220)
High Value Definitives - (1997) High Value Definitives

High Value Definitives - (1997) High Value Definitives
High Value Definitives
July 29 1997
Pack 40
High Value Definitives (1408)
All The Queens Horses - (1997) All The Queens Horses

All The Queens Horses - (1997) All The Queens Horses
All The Queens Horses
July 8 1997
Pack 278
All The Queens Horses (219)
Regional Definitive - (1997) Definitive

Regional Definitive - (1997) Definitive
July 1 1997
Pack 39
Regional Definitive (22533)
Architects of the Air - (1997) Architects of the Air

Architects of the Air - (1997) Architects of the Air
Architects of the Air
June 10 1997
Pack 277
Architects of the Air (218)
Tales Of Terror - (1997) Tales Of Terror

Tales Of Terror - (1997) Tales Of Terror
Tales Of Terror
May 13 1997
Pack 276
Tales Of Terror (217)
Definitive - (1997) Definitive

Definitive - (1997) Definitive
April 21 1997
Pack 38
Definitive (645)
Self Adhesive Definitive - (1997) Self Adhesive Definitive

Self Adhesive Definitive - (1997) Self Adhesive Definitive
Self Adhesive Definitive
March 18 1997
Pack 37
RM Code DP018
Self Adhesive Definitive (618)
St Augustine and St Columba - Missions of Faith - (1997) St Augustine and St Columba - Missions of Faith

St Augustine and St Columba - Missions of Faith - (1997) St Augustine and St Columba - Missions of Faith
St Augustine and St Columba - Missions of Faith
March 11 1997
Pack 275
St Augustine and St Columba - Missions of Faith (216)
The Great Tudor - (1997) The Great Tudor
The Great Tudor
January 21 1997
Pack 274
The Great Tudor (215)
The Great Tudor - (1997) The Great Tudor

The Great Tudor - (1997) The Great Tudor
The Great Tudor
January 21 1997
Pack 274
The Great Tudor (215)
Greetings - Flowers - (1997) Greetings - Flowers

Greetings - Flowers - (1997) Greetings - Flowers
Greetings - Flowers
January 6 1997
Pack G6
Greetings - Flowers (214)
Christmas 1996 - (1996) Christmas 1996

Christmas 1996 - (1996) Christmas 1996
Christmas 1996
October 28 1996
Pack 272
Christmas 1996 (213)
Classic Sports Cars - (1996) Classic Sports Cars

Classic Sports Cars - (1996) Classic Sports Cars
Classic Sports Cars
October 1 1996
Pack 271
Classic Sports Cars (212)
Big Stars from the Small Screen - Children's TV Characters - (1996) Big Stars from the Small Screen - Childrens TV Characters

Big Stars from the Small Screen - Children's TV Characters - (1996) Big Stars from the Small Screen - Childrens TV Characters
Big Stars from the Small Screen - Childrens TV Characters
September 3 1996
Pack 270
Big Stars from the Small Screen - Children's TV Characters (211)
20th Century Women of Achievment - (1996) 20th Century Women of Achievment

20th Century Women of Achievment - (1996) 20th Century Women of Achievment
20th Century Women of Achievment
August 6 1996
Pack 269
20th Century Women of Achievment (210)
Regional Definitive - (1996) Regional Definitive

Regional Definitive - (1996) Regional Definitive
Regional Definitive
July 23 1996
Pack 36
Regional Definitive (22534)
Olympics and Paralympics 1996 - (1996) Olympics and Paralympics 1996

Olympics and Paralympics 1996 - (1996) Olympics and Paralympics 1996
Olympics and Paralympics 1996
July 9 1996
Pack 268
Olympics and Paralympics 1996 (209)
Definitive - (1996) Definitive

Definitive - (1996) Definitive
June 25 1996
Pack 35
Definitive (580)
Football Legends - (1996) Football Legends

Football Legends - (1996) Football Legends
Football Legends
May 14 1996
Pack 267
Football Legends (208)
100 Years of Cinema - (1996) 100 Years of Going to the Pictures

100 Years of Cinema - (1996) 100 Years of Going to the Pictures
100 Years of Going to the Pictures
April 16 1996
Pack 266
100 Years of Cinema (207)
The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust - (1996) The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust

The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust - (1996) The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
March 12 1996
Pack 265
The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (206)
Greetings - Cartoons - (1996) Greetings - Cartoons

Greetings - Cartoons - (1996) Greetings - Cartoons
Greetings - Cartoons
February 26 1996
Pack G5
Greetings - Cartoons (205)
Robert Burns - (1996) Robert Burns - The Immortal Memory

Robert Burns - (1996) Robert Burns - The Immortal Memory
Robert Burns - The Immortal Memory
January 25 1996
Pack 264
Robert Burns (204)
Definitive - (1995) Definitive

Definitive - (1995) Definitive
November 21 1995
Pack 34
Definitive (22542)
Christmas 1995 - (1995) Christmas 1995

Christmas 1995 - (1995) Christmas 1995
Christmas 1995
October 30 1995
Pack 262
Christmas 1995 (203)
Rugby League Centenary - (1995) Rugby League Centenary

Rugby League Centenary - (1995) Rugby League Centenary
Rugby League Centenary
October 3 1995
Pack 261
Rugby League Centenary (202)
Communications - (1995) Communications

Communications - (1995) Communications
September 5 1995
Pack 260
Communications (201)
High Value Definitive - (1995) High Value Definitive

High Value Definitive - (1995) High Value Definitive
High Value Definitive
August 22 1995
Pack 33
High Value Definitive (22549)
Shakespeares Globe - (1995) Shakespeares Globe

Shakespeares Globe - (1995) Shakespeares Globe
Shakespeares Globe
August 8 1995
Pack 259
Shakespeares Globe (200)
Science Fiction - (1995) Science Fiction

Science Fiction - (1995) Science Fiction
Science Fiction
June 6 1995
Pack 258
Science Fiction (199)
Peace and Freedom - (1995) Peace and Freedom

Peace and Freedom - (1995) Peace and Freedom
Peace and Freedom
May 2 1995
Pack 257
Peace and Freedom (198)
National Trust - (1995) National Trust

National Trust - (1995) National Trust
National Trust
April 11 1995
Pack 256
National Trust (197)
Greetings - Art - (1995) Greetings - Art

Greetings - Art - (1995) Greetings - Art
Greetings - Art
March 21 1995
Pack G4
Greetings - Art (196)
The Four Seasons. Springtime - (1995) Springtime

The Four Seasons. Springtime - (1995) Springtime
March 14 1995
Pack 255
The Four Seasons. Springtime (195)
Cats - (1995) Cats

Cats - (1995) Cats
January 17 1995
Pack 254
Cats (194)
Christmas 1994 - (1994) Christmas 1994

Christmas 1994 - (1994) Christmas 1994
Christmas 1994
November 1 1994
Pack 252
Christmas 1994 (193)
Europa. Medical Discoveries - (1994) Medical Discoveries

Europa. Medical Discoveries - (1994) Medical Discoveries
Medical Discoveries
September 27 1994
Pack 251
Europa. Medical Discoveries (192)
The Four Seasons. Summertime Events - (1994) Summertime

The Four Seasons. Summertime Events - (1994) Summertime
August 2 1994
Pack 250
The Four Seasons. Summertime Events (191)
Golf - (1994) Golf

Golf - (1994) Golf
July 5 1994
Pack 249
Golf (190)
50th Anniversary of D-Day - (1994) D-Day 6 June 1944

50th Anniversary of D-Day - (1994) D-Day 6 June 1944
D-Day 6 June 1944
June 6 1994
Pack 248
50th Anniversary of D-Day (189)
Opening of Channel Tunnel - (1994) Channel Tunnel

Opening of Channel Tunnel - (1994) Channel Tunnel
Channel Tunnel
May 3 1994
Pack 247
Opening of Channel Tunnel (188)
Pictorial Postcards 1894 - 1994 - (1994) Pictorial Postcards 1894 - 1994

Pictorial Postcards 1894 - 1994 - (1994) Pictorial Postcards 1894 - 1994
Pictorial Postcards 1894 - 1994
April 12 1994
Pack 246
Pictorial Postcards 1894 - 1994 (187)
25th Anniversary of Investiture of the Prince of Wales - (1994) The 25th Anniversary of the Investiture of HRH The Prince of Wales

25th Anniversary of Investiture of the Prince of Wales - (1994) The 25th Anniversary of the Investiture of HRH The Prince of Wales
The 25th Anniversary of the Investiture of HRH The Prince of Wales
March 1 1994
Pack 245
25th Anniversary of Investiture of the Prince of Wales (186)
To Pay Labels - (1994) To Pay Labels

To Pay Labels - (1994) To Pay Labels
To Pay Labels
February 15 1994
Pack 32
To Pay Labels (22573)
Greetings - Messages - (1994) Greetings - Messages

Greetings - Messages - (1994) Greetings - Messages
Greetings - Messages
February 1 1994
Pack G3
Greetings - Messages (462)
The Age of Steam - (1994) The Age of Steam

The Age of Steam - (1994) The Age of Steam
The Age of Steam
January 18 1994
Pack 244
The Age of Steam (184)
Regional Definitive - (1993) Regional Definitive

Regional Definitive - (1993) Regional Definitive
Regional Definitive
December 7 1993
Pack 31
Regional Definitive (22558)
Christmas 1993 - (1993) Christmas 1993

Christmas 1993 - (1993) Christmas 1993
Christmas 1993
November 9 1993
Pack 242
Christmas 1993 (48)
Definitive - (1993) Definitive

Definitive - (1993) Definitive
October 26 1993
Pack 30
Definitive (579)
Self Adhesive Definitive - (1993) Self Adhesive Definitive

Self Adhesive Definitive - (1993) Self Adhesive Definitive
Self Adhesive Definitive
October 19 1993
Pack 29
Self Adhesive Definitive (22541)
Sherlock Holmes - (1993) Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes - (1993) Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
October 12 1993
Pack 241
Sherlock Holmes (47)
The Four Seasons. Autumn - (1993) Autumn

The Four Seasons. Autumn - (1993) Autumn
September 14 1993
Pack 240
The Four Seasons. Autumn (46)
Inland Waterways - (1993) Inland Waterways

Inland Waterways - (1993) Inland Waterways
Inland Waterways
July 20 1993
Pack 239
Inland Waterways (45)
Roman Britain - (1993) Roman Britain

Roman Britain - (1993) Roman Britain
Roman Britain
June 15 1993
Pack 238
RM Code AP114
Roman Britain (44)
Europa - Art in the 20th Century - (1993) Art in the 20th Century

Europa - Art in the 20th Century - (1993) Art in the 20th Century
Art in the 20th Century
May 11 1993
Pack 237
RM Code AP113
Europa - Art in the 20th Century (43)
Orchids - (1993) Orchids

Orchids - (1993) Orchids
March 16 1993
Pack 236
RM Code AP112
Orchids (42)
High Value Definitive - (1993) High Value Definitive

High Value Definitive - (1993) High Value Definitive
High Value Definitive
March 2 1993
Pack 28
High Value Definitive (641)
Marine Timekeepers - (1993) Marine Timekeepers

Marine Timekeepers - (1993) Marine Timekeepers
Marine Timekeepers
February 16 1993
Pack 235
RM Code AP111
Marine Timekeepers (41)
Greetings - Giving - (1993) Greetings - Giving

Greetings - Giving - (1993) Greetings - Giving
Greetings - Giving
February 2 1993
Pack G2
Greetings - Giving (463)
Swans - (1993) Swans

Swans - (1993) Swans
January 19 1993
Pack 234
RM Code AP110
Swans (39)
Christmas 1992 - (1992) Christmas 1992

Christmas 1992 - (1992) Christmas 1992
Christmas 1992
November 10 1992
Pack 232
RM Code AP109
Christmas 1992 (38)
Single European Market - (1992) Single European Market

Single European Market - (1992) Single European Market
Single European Market
October 13 1992
Pack 231
RM Code AP108
Single European Market (37)
The Green Issue - (1992) The Green Issue

The Green Issue - (1992) The Green Issue
The Green Issue
September 15 1992
Pack 230
RM Code AP107
The Green Issue (36)
Gilbert and Sullivan - (1992) Gilbert and Sullivan

Gilbert and Sullivan - (1992) Gilbert and Sullivan
Gilbert and Sullivan
July 21 1992
Pack 229
RM Code AP106
Gilbert and Sullivan (35)
The Civil War 1642-51 - (1992) The Civil War 1642-51

The Civil War 1642-51 - (1992) The Civil War 1642-51
The Civil War 1642-51
June 16 1992
Pack 228
RM Code AP105
The Civil War 1642-51 (34)
Europa. International Events - (1992) Europa '92

Europa. International Events - (1992) Europa '92
Europa '92
April 7 1992
Pack 227
RM Code AP104
Europa. International Events (33)
High Value Definitives - (1992) High Value Definitives

High Value Definitives - (1992) High Value Definitives
High Value Definitives
March 24 1992
Pack 27
High Value Definitives (1407)
Tennyson  - (1992) Tennyson

Tennyson  - (1992) Tennyson
March 10 1992
Pack 226
RM Code AP103
Tennyson  (32)
40th Anniversary of Accession - (1992) Happy & Glorious - The Fortieth Anniversary of the Accession

40th Anniversary of Accession - (1992) Happy & Glorious - The Fortieth Anniversary of the Accession
Happy & Glorious - The Fortieth Anniversary of the Accession
February 6 1992
Pack 225
RM Code AP102
40th Anniversary of Accession (31)
Greetings - Memories - (1992) Greetings - Memories

Greetings - Memories - (1992) Greetings - Memories
Greetings - Memories
January 28 1992
Pack G1
Greetings - Memories (30)
The Four Seasons. Wintertime - (1992) Wintertime

The Four Seasons. Wintertime - (1992) Wintertime
January 14 1992
Pack 224
RM Code AP101
The Four Seasons. Wintertime (29)
Regional Definitive - (1991) Regional Definitive

Regional Definitive - (1991) Regional Definitive
Regional Definitive
December 3 1991
Pack 26
Regional Definitive (22586)
Christmas 1991 - (1991) Christmas 1991

Christmas 1991 - (1991) Christmas 1991
Christmas 1991
November 12 1991
Pack 222
RM Code AP100
Christmas 1991 (28)
Maps - (1991) Maps

Maps - (1991) Maps
September 17 1991
Pack 221
RM Code AP099
Maps (27)
Definitive - (1991) Definitive

Definitive - (1991) Definitive
September 10 1991
Pack 25
Definitive (487)
Dinosaurs - (1991) Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs - (1991) Dinosaurs
August 28 1991
Pack 220
RM Code AP098
Dinosaurs (26)
Roses - (1991) Roses

Roses - (1991) Roses
July 16 1991
Pack 219
RM Code AP097
Roses (25)
Sport - (1991) Sport

Sport - (1991) Sport
June 11 1991
Pack 218
Sport (24)
Definitive - (1991) Definitive

Definitive - (1991) Definitive
May 14 1991
Pack 24
Definitive (22540)
Europe in Space - (1991) Europe in Space

Europe in Space - (1991) Europe in Space
Europe in Space
April 23 1991
Pack 217
Europe in Space (23)
Scientific Achievements - (1991) Scientific Achievements

Scientific Achievements - (1991) Scientific Achievements
Scientific Achievements
March 5 1991
Pack 216
Scientific Achievements (21)
Dogs - (1991) Dogs

Dogs - (1991) Dogs
January 8 1991
Pack 215
Dogs (19)

86 records.