The Great Fire of London
The Great Fire of London - John Higgins
The issue depict key scenes documenting the start, spread and aftermath of the Great Fire of London, which raged across the city from 2 to 5 September 1666. It is the first time Royal Mail has used a graphic-novel style of design, created by renowned comic book artist and writer, John Higgins. The graphic style uses a street map design to locate the action.
A prominent and respected artist of the comic book scene, Higgins has worked on iconic titles such as Judge Dredd, 2000 AD and Watchmen series.
(September 2 2016)
Size 35mm (h) x 35mm (v)
Printed by International Security Printers
Print Process Lithography
Perforations 14.5 x 14.5
Presentation Pack
Cost : £6.95
Pack 531
RM Code AP421
Image preview by Royal Mail
Image preview by Royal Mail